This type of resting

As I was driving for some time and I was close to our home, I take my phone and I choose Greg's number and I put it on the speaker. When I started calling to him he said "yes babe"

"I will be soon downstairs," I said

"Ok have you bought for me cigarettes," he asked

"Oh, I forgot I will stop now and buy them," I said

"Ok wait you driving," he said

"Yes," I said and while seeing shop close I stopped there and then I asked "which you want"

"Menthol," I said to Greg said

"Ok," I said to her and then I hang out. When I did this Mei stopped close to me and then she asked "what you doing"

"I forgot to buy one thing," I said to her

"Ok we will go," she said

"Ok I call to Greg and they should be outside soon," I said to her