Who are you?

As we come inside of our bedroom Greg said „ok now we can rest"

"I thought we will do one thing," I said while he was putting me on the bed

"No, we will not," he said while lying on the bed

While he was there, I looked at him and then I asked "you know we could go to your room to spend our time there"

"I know but there is a window opened," Greg said and then he gets up fast and he said "don't walk anywhere I will come here soon"

"Ok," I said and while seeing him walking out I said in a low voice "now we will see what happened" and I started undressing. As I was doing it I take off my t-shirt, jeans, and sock. While I was only in my underwear, he comes back and then he said "babe not now" While walking inside.

"I know but I wanted to take it off," I said and then I take off my bra. When I did this, I take his t-shirt and after putting on me I lay one more time. While I did this, I said „now I feel free"