Great, it's the first row


As I come out from our bedroom, I could see that Sophia been walking out with two cups "oh I forgot to take them" I said to her

"Ok," she said and then I walked to my room. As I was there I started my program, and I been looking at how to make slow mode slower. While I was doing it Sophia come and then she said "babe"

"Yes," I asked while turning to her.

"Start stream and then write this," she said

"Why," I asked

"Oh, to let most of the subs and other messages come," she said

"Oh, that's a good idea," I said and then I started it with the main massage been on-screen 'stream start soon'. As I did this Sophia said after I could hear some sound „ok you are online"

"That's good," I said and while I wait for few seconds, I could see that many of my viewers come so I take my headphones and then I said  "hello everyone I will start soon" and then I turned off voice and I put my headphones on the table.