What now we will buy

While I was sleeping peacefully for some time I wake up at one point. When I opened my eyes, I could see that Sophia been still hugging me. While seeing her I said to me 'oh you haven't moved at all' and then I try to remove her from me.

When I did this, I looked at her, and then I put a blanket on her. When I did this, I walked out and while seeing that it's morning I go to the bathroom and after doing what I needed; I walked out while looking at the washing machine which ended yesterday and one more time while being late I put what has been there to dry and after it; I walked out.

As I was outside of it I walked to eat something. As I take a piece of ham, I eat it and then I walked to the bedroom to take fresh underwear and a t-shirt.

While having it on me I walked out and then I take my jeans and hoodie while throwing out dirty on the side I walked to the balcony.