Drinking competition

As I was sleeping sound of microwave wake me up. When I opened my eyes, I could see that Greg isn't here "oh so you make breakfast" I said in a low voice and then I could hear that he put it on extra time. When he did this, I moved up on the bed a little and after a few seconds, I could hear one more time that it ended and then I could hear his footsteps. While he comes inside of the room, I said „oh the food,"

"Yes but first sit," he said

"Ok," I said and then I sit. After I did this, we started eating. While we were doing it for some time I said „babe,"

"Yes," he said

"Maybe we can do it," I said 'maybe he will agree' I said to myself while looking at him

"Not now we need to go shopping," he said. While hearing him I said „ok but later, we will do this,"