Go eat

While we walked out, I haven't paid any attention while still I know I have some work to do. While we come down, I said „what is today to eat"

"I will think while we will drive," Greg said to me. While hearing him I said „I want this soup which you make from pickles"

"Sorry but I can't do it," he said

"Why," I said

"Normal pickles are bad to it," he said. While hearing him I said „ok so what we will eat"

"You want soup or normal food," he said

"Hmm let me think," I said while walking outside. While I was walking to the car I started thinking about what I want to eat. While I come to the car, I still couldn't decide and when I come inside of the car, I could see that Greg come inside and then I said  "I don't know"

"Are you hungry or no?" he said

"Not so much and I could wait around two hours," I said

"Ok so no soup," he said

"Why," I asked

"Broth," he said