We should have an answer soon

While I was looking at Sophia eating, I couldn't see that her expression changed. While I was still looking at her and I don't know if she likes what I make or not she said "eat"

"Ok," I said and then I opened the jar with pickles and started eating them with what I have on the plate. While I was doing it I still was looking at her while don't know if she likes it or no. while I been doing it and eating slowly she said "what".

"Oh, how you like it," I said.

"It's good but some sauce I'm missing," she said.

"Sorry but not with it maybe if I do this with potatoes it might be better but while having no time I did it with rice," I said.

"Ok," she said and while hearing her response I come back to eating. While I was doing it for some time I almost did and while having some rice left, I looked at Sophia and while seeing that she did too while leaving some meat I said: "you done".