You need some more

While I looked at Sophia, she takes her phone. 'I hope he has an answer for what happened' I said to myself and while I looked at her, she said after a few seconds "Oh, so it's bad,".

Then she said "Ok," and after a few seconds  "Greg wanted to stream but while he has no net, he can't do this,". 'Fuck so it really needs to be something bad' I said to myself and then Sophia ended her call and I said to her "so what happened"

"Road works cut cable," she said

"Oh, fuck good that I haven't written on social that I will stream today," I said while looking at her.

"True," she said and then she moved closer to me and while she looked at me, she gives me a kiss. When she did this, I said "so what now"

"I will work," she said