Focused on a plate

While I was watching Greg for some time I could see that he is focused on this game. 'You really started in the middle of the story while I don't know the title of it and most important I don't know what happened there' I said to myself while looking at him and then I get up and I walked for my phone.

When I have it I come back and while one more time I lay on the bed I started watching him. While I was doing it time has passed while I looked at him and playing on my phone. While I could see that it started becoming dark outside, and I started becoming hungry I decided to tell this to Greg.

When I get up from bed, I walked to him and after I observe him for some time and he hasn't been fighting but exploring, I moved his headphone on the side and then I said  "I'm hungry"

"We eat like an hour ago," he said

"Not much longer look at which hour is," I said

While hearing me he looked at his phone and then he said  "oh I lose myself in playing"