I will order

While I was sleeping ringing my phone wakes me up. While hearing that it stopped I said: "if they want something they will call one more time" and then I closed my eyes.

While I did this it started ringing again. While hearing it I started moving from bed but while having my shorts away and I couldn't go there without getting up I do this and when I have my phone in my hand and while seeing that's its Sophia I answered and I said  "yes".

"I wake you up," she asked.

"Yes," I said and then I started walking to the bathroom while I needed to pee so much. While I was doing it she said: "what you doing now".

"Going to pee," I said.

"I want you to check one thing for me," she said.

When hearing her I come inside of the bathroom and while for now, I couldn't talk I started doing it. While feeling much lighter now I said: "ok now I can talk normally".

"Like I was saying I want you to check something for me," she said.