We still have time

While I looked at Greg, I could see that he started taking out food. First what comes out been cucumber and then tomato 'vegetables again' I said to myself while I don't know why he loves them so much.

While I looked at him and I know that he hadn't taken all out the take out rolls and then ham 'finally something good to eat' I said to myself and then I could hear his words "you have here some sharp knife".

"Yes, I have," I said while looking at him and then I walked to one shelf and then take it out. While seeing me he goes washed them. While seeing it I put a knife on the table and when I did this, he comes back and while he comes closer to where he has his shopping he asked: "you don't might that I will cut here".

"Take this," I said while going to the shelf from where I take a knife and then I give him two plates. While seeing me he smiled and then he said "thanks".