I couldn't contact you

While I was sleeping shaking my shoulder wakes me up. While I looked at Greg who was doing it I said: "what are you doing".

"Breakfast," he said.

"Oh, thanks," I said while looking at him, and then my hand goes to his forehead. When it was there, I could feel that it's hot and then I said: "you still have a fever".

"Oh what," he said. While hearing him I take a thermometer and after giving it to him I said: "check".

"Ok, and while I will do it you should eat," he said. While hearing him I looked at what he prepared and while I looked at him I said "ok". While hearing me, he smiled, and then he put it under his armpit.

When I started eating, I looked at Greg, and while I was doing it sound of thermometer come. While hearing it he takes it out and while seeing it I snatched it and when I looked at it I said "thirty-seven and two".

"No, it's nothing," he said.

"You still have a fever so you not going out from home," I said.