Let's play

When we walked out we go down. While coming there I could see that one of Meg's cars was there. While seeing it I asked, "so you can finally drive it".

"Yes," she said while smiling to me, and then she goes as a driver. While seeing it I walked as a passenger and then our journey to a place where we will eat lunch started. While we were driving for around twenty minutes, we come to one of the restaurants where we eat a lot of times while we were going to school.

When we come there, I could see that Mei is inside. While seeing her I said, "oh and you are here".

"Yes," she said.

"And Jim," I asked.

"He is working someone from us need to earn for the family," Mei said while looking at me. While hearing her I said, "so what Greg is earning for us too.".

"I know," she said while looking at me.

"So about what you wanted to talk," I asked.

"Martha," Mei said.

"We know all that we need to buy," I said.