We are landing

While I was sleeping smell of something good wake me up. While I opened my eyes, I could see that Greg isn't in bed, and while knowing that I haven't dreamed about it I get up from the bed. While I go out of the bedroom, I walked to the kitchen, and while seeing him cooking I give him a hug. When I did this he said, "babe it will be in around ten minutes,".

"Ok," I said. While I was hugging him he said after some time, "Could you take plates and ketchup".

"Ok," I said and then I take what he wanted with forks. While having them I walked to the table and after putting them he comes to me with a wok and after putting all I started eating.

While I was doing it he comes too. 'It tastes like chips but different' I said to myself while eating it. While I was doing it I looked at him and then I said: "I will go to work today".

"But we should go to LV today," Greg said.