Life changing signature

While we are driving, I looked at Meg and while seeing that she is focused on it I haven't talked with her. While our drive goes smoothly, we come to our destination, and then she said: "could you call to Sop".

"Ok," I said to her while taking my phone, and I started calling to her. It hasn't taken me a long time and when she answered she said "yes".

"We are outside," I said.

"Ok I will be down soon," she said, and then she hangs out. When she did this, I said: "she is coming down".

"Oh, so it hasn't taken her long time," Meg said to me. While hearing her I nodded, and then we started waiting for Sophia. While we were doing it she comes down before I could get up and change place. While she comes to the car, she sits at the backseat and then Meg said: "can we go now".