In a casino

While we were landing, I looked from time to time at Greg while knowing he is single for only a few days and soon if all go good we will be married while he knows nothing. While we landed Greg said "so how we will drive"

"We have a car," Jim said.

"Oh, how," Greg asked.

"You know with whom you are travel," Jim asked.

"Oh, right," Greg said and then we started going out of the plane. While we did this, we passed smoothly all checking and while we take our baggage we go out of the airport. While being there I could see that car is waiting for us. While seeing it Greg said: "oh so we for sure fit there".

"Yep," I said while getting inside. While I was there, I sit in the middle while Mei was on my left. While I was there, I looked at Jim who is the driver and before I asked him to help Greg pack all things he ended and when he came inside, he asked: "so where are we staying".

"We in a hotel," I said.

"I and Jim in his penthouse," Mei said.