Compare and Contrast

"Where is it?"

"Lorcan street," Mina said. She immensely loved the looks on their faces. Ben's was pure shock, Lola's was a mixture of shock and jealousy.

"What?' Ben gasped.

"How could you afford a place there?" Lola asked. Mina smirked at her.

"I'm a Logan, I may be estranged from my family at the moment but that doesn't mean they would leave me without funds. They had said that if I insisted on wasting my life with Ben, their words, then I should do it in a place that fits with my family reputation." Ben's face changed from shock to pure glee. She had no doubt that he was thinking this was his chance to get in with my family.

Lola's face looked like she had just sucked a lemon and Mina was smirking on the inside.

"I didn't tell you as I wanted it to be a surprise. I let the movers in before I set off to the courthouse and by the time I returned they were just finishing up. There was no way to cancel it or change the day," Ben looked like he regretted his entire life.

He smiled sweetly at Mina as he approached her and took her hands in his. Remembering her promise to Aiden she pulled her hands away under the guise of checking her phone.

"Sorry, it's on vibrate. I thought I felt it go off," she explained when she noticed his hurt look.

"That's ok," he said. "Mina, I know we said we wouldn't live together until we were married but why don't we forget about that. We were practically living together anyway, weren't we? I have a day off on Saturday how about I move my things in then?"

Ben couldn't hide his excitement. Mina knew he was wondering how many contracts and deals he could create for his company by using her name and their address.

Mina shook her head and tried not to laugh at the bitter look on his face.

"I'm sorry Ben but my family were very specific. Only my husband can live with me, if you move in before we are married then they would kick us both out."

She could see Ben was getting angry. Mina bet that he was thinking this could have solved many problems and he wouldn't have to marry her at all. Mina wondered how long he would have planned to string her along. As an afterthought, Mina remembered something else.

"Oh, and you won't be able to visit or stay over. They have very strict rules," she said solving the worry she had about unexpected visits. "If you want to spend time with me it will have to be outside."

Mina checked her watch, Daniel had been waiting for her for almost half an hour already.

"I'm sorry but I should get going. I am sure you are busy and I still have a lot of unpacking to do," she explained with a wave before turning and leaving.

Daniel got out of the car and held her door open for her when she exited the building. Her smile was as wide as a boomerang when Daniel pulled away.

"I take it things went well," he asked with a smile.

Mina nodded and told him everything. She was beyond pleased with herself as they pulled up at the gates to her new home. However, those feelings were quickly dashed. A young, beautiful woman was arguing with the security guards.

Her long blonde hair, stunning figure and high heels made Mina feel frumpy.

"Stay here," Daniel ordered politely and Mina nodded. Aiden had said many people did try to get in to see him, this would be something she would have to get used to. For a year at least anyway.

She lowered her window down a little so she could hear what was happening.

"Finally! tell this oaf to let me in," the blonde demanded.

"Thank you, Max, I will take it from here." Max nodded and took a few steps back. He then stopped and eyed the blonde coldly. Daniel then took Max's spot and turned his impassive face towards her.

"Miss Collins, may I ask what you are doing here?" his voice was even and cool. Mina guessed he does very well under pressure.

"What do you mean? I'm here to see Aiden and explain what happened this morning. I didn't feel well and was throwing up something rotten. I think I got food poisoning, I tried calling his grandmother to see if she was ok," she sounded sincere but Daniel didn't look convinced.

Mina realised that this was the woman that Aiden was originally going to marry. She really felt like she was a huge step down for him.

"I am sorry Miss Collins that you were unwell, could it have been the amount of alcohol you consumed last night at the Hightail club. Mr and Ms Danvers are both fine as neither of them went clubbing. Mr Danvers has cancelled that card and has said to take the amount you spent as compensation. He will not ask you to repay it unless you give him cause too. This means you and he are done. He will choose someone else more suited. He thanks you for your time spent with his grandmother, but he requests you don't contact her again."

Daniel bowed politely and held his hand out indicating for Tanya to leave.

"What!" she yelled. "How dare you! I want to see Aiden himself," she demanded venomously.

"I'm here,"

Mina twisted in her seat in time to see Aiden walk up the side of the car and stand near her door. Tanya's venomous glare turned sweet when she looked from Daniel to Aiden. Mina wanted to throw up, she looked worse than Lola.

"Get back into the car Daniel," Aiden instructed. Daniel nodded and did as he was told. He gave Mina a small nod and smile.

"Why are you here?" Aiden asked Tanya as she sauntered up to him.

"I came to apologise. I think I had food poisoning, I was throwing up most of the night. Are you and your grandmother ok?" Her voice sounded even more sickly sweet than Lola's had.

Aiden stepped back slightly to avoid her hands when she tried touching him.

"We are both fine," he said curtly. "Do you think I am stupid?" he asked her.

She shook her head and was about to say something when he turned from her, knocked on the passenger window in front of Mina and asked Daniel for the tablet. He pressed some things and then passed her the device. Her face went from confused to pale with shock.

"That card was linked to my families account. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" he asked his voice as cool and calm as Daniel's had been.

"I'm sorry Aiden, please give me a second chance. I promise I will make things right," she moved closer and swiped a finger down his chest, or at least attempted to.

"I'm sorry Tanya but that won't be possible," he said. "I will choose a more suitable bride and it won't be you. Please leave, you are not welcome here."

He left a dumbstruck looking Tanya and went to the car behind the one Mina was in. Max opened the gates for both cars and shut them before Tanya could recover. Mina heard her screaming Aiden's name as they pulled up at the front doors.

She went in ahead of Daniel and Aiden, not waiting for either one. She had discovered the bedroom during her exploration earlier before going to see Ben. Though, she hadn't realised it was Aiden's bedroom at the time. It wasn't until she went to the closet to change into something cooler that she noticed his clothes.

They had discussed living together but not exactly how they would live together. She wondered if she should move her clothes into another room, the movers probably just assumed they were sleeping in the same room.

"Are you ok?"

Mina jumped at the sound of Aiden's voice. She hadn't realised he had come in.

"Oh! I'm ok, I was just thinking about moving my clothes. I hadn't realised this was your room. The movers must have just thought we were a normal couple." Her face turned bright red as she bravely faced him.

"This is our room, you don't need to take your clothes anyway. If you are uncomfortable sharing the bed with me I can sleep in the spare room," he said with a smile.

"No!" she said quickly, Aiden smirked.

"You want to share the bed with me?" He asked clearly enjoying her outburst.

"No!" she called out quickly, blushing. "I meant I can stay in the spare room. This is your house."

Aiden moved closer and gripped her hands, much like Ben had tried to do earlier. Only this time she didn't pull away.

"You are my wife and that means this is just as much your home as it is mine. The deal was to live as husband and wife so you can do whatever you like here. Redecorate, reorganise or simply just combine. However, I won't force you to do something you are uncomfortable doing. So, I will be the one to sleep elsewhere," he told her softly.

Mina's blush darkened on her cheeks.

"I'm not uncomfortable ...." she said quietly as she looked down.

Aiden brought two fingers and a thumb up to her chin and tilted her face to look at him.

"But?" he asked as he held her face in place.

"When I said I would stay married to you for a year, I meant it. I also meant that I would perform any wifely duties from cooking to cleaning and ....." Aiden didn't miss her subtle look at the bed. He would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted.

From the moment he had set eyes on her he had been attracted to her. She was a stunningly beautiful woman on the outside and even more so on the inside.

"I have no objection to you cooking, however the cleaning you can leave to the staff. This place isn't big by any other standards but it's too big for one person to clean. As for other duties, I don't want you to do something just because it's your duty," he said with a firm tone.

Mina stepped back, breaking their physical contact.

"I don't mean it like that. I am your wife and I want to show you I am just as committed to this marriage as you are but ...." she couldn't form the words to express her worries.

"But?" Aiden asked taking a step closer.

"But I'm not ..... I mean I don't ... Tanya is beautiful, stunning. She is more suited to be on your arm and in your bed than I am. Even with my last name, I was always a clutz and not very confidant with men. Ben is the only man I have ever been with and he is cheating on me. I don't even remember the last time we slept together. Maybe he went with another woman because I couldn't ....."

Mina didn't get a chance to finish her sentence. Aiden had silenced her with his lips. He pulled her body to him and pressed his lips to hers. The intensity took Mina's breath away. When she gasped he pushed his tongue inside and massaged his tongue on hers.

Her mind fogged over with pleasure she had never known before. Aiden wrapped his arms around her waist, pinning her to him. Once he had fully ravished her mouth he released her lips but not her waist.

"Ben went with another woman because he was stupid. He had an amazing woman and couldn't see it, but his loss is my gain. You are more beautiful and stunning than Tanya could ever hope to be. You were breathtaking in your wedding dress but I must admit I like how you are dressed right now," he said looking down her body.

"Really?" she asked, still a little flushed.

"Yes. You look more relaxed and at home. I hate women who wear too much makeup and outfits so tight it looks uncomfortable. All so their chests can be pushed up to attract a man. You are a natural beauty and I have no problem showing you how much I am attracted to you if you need convincing," Aiden looked sincerely at Mina.

She was released from answering when someone knocked on the door. It was Daniel telling them dinner was ready. Aiden reluctantly let Mina go.

"This isn't finished," he promised before opening the bedroom door and leaving.