
Heinrich had all the time in the world to sober up and think. He acknowledged that his brothers were both jerks and he was a fool to expect his wife to be anything different. He really did not care about Rosaline or his son but he cared about the fact that he was the one who was always deprived. But he was his father's son and he was never taught to earn his worth but to snatch it from those who were unyielding to stand down. It was a pity that it was the same father who had spent most of his life serving an old woman who used him for her will and pleasure. It was quite an insult really. It is always an insult to a man to be objectified into a possession. For a woman it is supposed to be her natural state. Rosaline did not belong to Heinrich. All that his presence in her life ensured was a distance from her father and that he provided. What did he want in return? All he wanted was some money to make his worth. Heinrich was in jail for extortion. It wasn't a grave offence and he wasn't going to be there or ever. As it was some of his old acquaintances were trying hard to get him bail. It was a bit difficult when your closest associates are sheeted criminals. It is however easy when your bosses have contacts high up in the administrative chain, contacts that are more often used to extricate oneself from a possession and distribution charge or even smuggling across borders. Heinrich's operations weren't large enough but they would be ultimately.

Heinrich's men had ample information on his every property including the woman who was having dinner at a remote restaurant with a guy she had met only a week ago. Rosaline was attracted to Dave. She was attracted to him enough to lie. When Dave asked her out for a date Rosaline knew that her landlady would object so she told her that Dave was an old high school sweetheart. The story was convincing and Dave played his part well.

The evening unfolded slowly and they were by then walking on the beach hand in hand. Little did they imagine what awaited them in the dark? Dave was about to kiss Rosaline. That would be the first kiss that they ever shared. Dave lowered himself onto Rosaline's trembling lips but she ultimately pushed him back. "Dave, there is something you should know before you proceed any further."

Dave raised a brow and put his hands inside his trouser pocket, hands that were itching to take this girl-woman into his embrace. What truth could make him curb his desire for her?

"I am married and I have a child," Rosaline stated.

The sea was deathly calm and so was Dave's face till he turned away and started walking.

"Dave wait. Don't go." Rosaline beseeched.

"What am I to stay for? I wasn't here to have fun, Rose. I was here because of you but I guess you do not see it that way. You should return to your husband." Dave said.

"Absolutely." The voice did not belong to Rosaline but a third man. Out of the darkness came forward a tall man with a scar on his face.

"Who are you?" Rosaline asked scared.

Another man asked from behind her. "We are your husband's friends and we are here to assure that you return to him."

Soon Rosaline realized that she had been surrounded by Heinrich's men. The men carried weapons that Rosaline did not know how to fight off. She inched towards Dave who looked around assessing the situation. "Help me." She whispered to him. Dave nodded. "Stick close." He said. A gun flashed and Dave shoved Rosaline into the sand. A few feet to her right another man fell. His gun was soon kicked out of his hand. In a matter of a few more minutes, all of Heinrich's goons had been overcome. There was a distant sound of an oncoming police car even before Rosaline was up on her feet. "Let's go," Dave told Rosaline before she had time to gather her wits. When the Police came they found a pile of rotten criminals groaning with pain.

The bullet that had been fired had grazed by Rosaline's arm leaving her bleeding. Dave took her to a clinic where she was promptly treated. "What does your husband do?" Dave asked.

"He is a drug mafia," Rosaline said without batting an eyelid.

"Why did you marry him?" Dave asked.

"He was my father's adoptive brother who had gotten me pregnant," Rosaline exclaimed.

"But legally he is your husband," Dave asked.

"I wasn't of legal age when he married me. So I am not sure." Rosaline looked into Dave's eyes which were filled with concern.

"Rosaline David, daughter of Mathew David and Madeline Anderson, foster child to Rupert Thomas Mornington and wife of Heinrich Monnet," Dave stated.

Rosaline looked at Dave awestruck. How did he know so much? "In my line of work you are paid to stay informed."

"What do you do?" Rosaline asked.

"Nothing illegal I can assure you but one thing is true if your husband wants you so bad to send those goons after you he will try again and perhaps tonight before the police have any idea of what they are up against. I suggest I stay with you for the night. Just to make sure you are safe." Dave suggested.

Rosaline offered to stay at some Hotel to avoid being found but Dave wasn't looking to avoid the problem he was looking to face it. When Rosaline turned the keys in the apartment door it was unlocked. Rosaline's heart started to thud. Dave placed an assuring arm on her shoulder as they together pushed through the door.

"You better leave." A voice suggested Dave from the dark.

"I am not here to leave Heinrich."

"My wife has given you my name. I wonder what else she has told you about me." Heinrich said.

Rosaline turned on the light switch kept beside the door. The lights turned on to reveal Heinrich holding a .38 calibre gun which was pointed directly to Dave's chest. Dave did not even flinch. "You're up against the wrong cop this time Heinrich," Dave stated. At that time the sound of police cars surrounded the house. "Say goodbye to parole." So saying, Dave pushed Rosaline outside the open door and shut it behind her. Rosaline as in a shock. The sound of firing guns made her run down the stairs in panic and she met the dozens of policemen waiting at the bottom. "Dave is inside. Heinrich has a gun." She shouted to the uniform nearby. "Don't worry ma'am. He is FBI. They are the best we have." She was assured.