The Fairy Tale

The performance had begun. The chorus had taken the position. The lead singer was dressed like a child though she was a large woman in her late twenties. The star was just a silent mirror hung upon the stage. It has very little to do with the progress of the story though Monique's entire life revolved around him. The only action it was called to was to move across skyline which was to be done by a mechanical assembly kept backstage. The brother's role was to be played by a young chap that did not resemble Henry in the least. The song started with a lamentation on the alienation of the soul among the restrictions of society. It was Henry's favourite part of the play perhaps when a child, discarded as an orphan finds a strong emotional bond to an inanimate distant star.

Monique knew the story. She knew it too well. It was the story of her life. That star was something she had turned her face from. She did not wish to be reminded of the star. When the moon took centre stage she was relieved. The performer whom Henry had chosen for the moon was unexpectedly handsome. Monique was not under the impression that Henry had suddenly grown affectionate of her choices but it was more of a necessity to give the audience a happy ending. To any passerby, the ending would indeed be happy if an inanimate object, a meaningless name, a jumble of alphanumeric symbols was replaced by a living breathing creature. Unfortunately, the human heart brings with it complications that must be faced. Henry had no hand in directing the minds of the romantic audience but the real world was alas not a romantic place. The real world was a harsh practical archipelago of resolute decisions. Monique was starting to live with hers. The ending of the story was in lieu of her own life. In seeking a place on the moon she had denied herself the right to look into his face and burdened with her responsibility Rupert had denied her the right to glance into his soul and hence the separation.

Rupert envied the moon that could shield a woman's heart from desire. Was desire wrong? He asked himself. He shouldn't, not a few moments before he was forced to face his. He reigned in his wayward mind till the curtains came to a close. That was followed by his brother taking centre stage.

"What do you desire: A grain of sand to hold on to or a sand castle to live inside? The former you will never know you have and the latter you will never be able to live inside. Monique chose to hold on to the grain of sand instead of settling her heart on a crumbling castle. Was she practical in doing so or was it her withering hope that forced her to take a drastic step? Monique lived a life and dreamt a dream. Still, there was a part of her that lived a dream and dreamt a life. What I give you is a musical. What I give you is entertainment. But what Monique gives you is an opportunity to question your dreams. Bueno Serra ladies and gentlemen. Dream."

Rupert smiled to himself. He did not want to dream. He wanted realty to flood him so hard that he would drown in it. That would be a solution to his wayward mind. He had promised his mother that he would not be another George Mornington. He had a lot of expectations to live up to but for that, he had to find Moni.

Monique had flat out refused to meet Henry's brother. Rupert was not aware of that decision. He spent every moment in anticipation of that which should not be. The performance having ended it was time for him to meet his brother backstage. What he did not expect him to be was in the parting embrace of his wife.

"Are you sure you want to leave right away?" Henry was asking her.

"Herb needs his sleep." She said.

"I could ask someone..." Henry was suggesting but before he could finish she protested saying that Herb was her responsibility. Rupert moved away from the door unnoticed to let her pass without having to face him. He came face to face with the bitter truth that she was out of his reaches but he was not beyond her reach and she could come back whenever he wanted to. As he saw his wife leaving, carrying a sleepy child a pat on the back made him aware of his brother's presence. "What did she say?" he asked him.

"She said that she didn't want to meet you."

"That was expected. Why did you tell her my legal name?" Rupert concluded.

"I didn't tell her your legal name. I didn't say anything. She is just content with her child. She doesn't need a man. " Henry said

"But I need her," Rupert asked surprised.

"Then I guess you are too late bro. She is not the same girl enamoured with you." Henry asked.

Rupert looked at his brother baffled. But that could not be. "What about the child? Who is the father of the child or its mother in fact?" Rupert asked.

"The mother I do not know and the father I assume to be her husband. Why else would she call him her responsibility?" Henry assumed.

"I am not the father of that child," Rupert said.

"Of course not. You never met her before." Henry said.

"Then why is that child my wife's responsibility?" Rupert asked Henry.

Henry looked at Rupert with eyes widening but Rupert had already made a move to follow her out of the door. Rupert was not letting the woman of his dreams walk out on him once again no matter what it took to keep her in his life. If the child belongs toRishi Juneja he would not protest to keep him and claim him as his own. He had already taken too many responsibilities upon himself in his lifetime. What was one more? Still, something told him that the child had a greater connection to his life. He had to find out why?