Where the Chips may Fall

Dave had been in such situations before and had faced many bullets. Heinrich was neither fast not clever enough for him. Till one stray bullet hit him on the ribs. The pain sent a shock through his body but Dave recovered from his disorientation before Heinrich could take advantage. Dave was bleeding and Heinrich tried to take him hostage to escape the surrounding officers. It was a very bad idea. Soon enough Dave crossed his one foot with the other and Heinrich went tumbling down before him. Heinrich kicked back to straighten himself and hit Dave below the knee. Dave lost balance but steadied himself. By the time Heinrich was making for his gun again which had fallen away in the scuffle. The gun lay near the door and both raced to it. Dave having the advantage of height and built reached it first. Heinrich grabbed it out of his hand and in the struggle the gun went off again hitting Heinrich in the chest. From the amount of blood that as coming out Dave guessed that it had hit a lung. The fight was over. The paramedics came and steadied Heinrich's breathing. They had already tended to Rosaline's bleeding arm and now looked at Dave's shoulder. The bullet was lodged there and had to be taken out. Dave was taken into the same ambulance where Heinrich was put. The officer who had assured Rosaline of Dave's capability offered her ride to the hospital. Rosaline nodded. Her apartment was flooded with police who had been marking out the area of the crime scene.

Dave refused to be given any sedative; the bullet was taken out with him conscious and bleeding. When Rosaline wanted to see Dave she went to find Dave sitting back leaning on a propped up pillow. The doctors wanted to keep him for the night to make sure there was no further infection. Dave smiled on seeing Rosaline. The first thing he noticed was her bandaged arms. "How is your arm?" he asked.

"Better than yours." She answered honestly.

Dave flexed his wounded arm and flinched slightly at the pain. "I have had worse." He said without further explaining.

"Why did you not tell me that you worked for the FBI?" Rosaline asked.

"Did it matter? I was on vacation anyways. By the way where is that child of yours?" Dave asked.

"He is in New York, with a friend of mine. Why?" Rosaline asked with a bit of concern.

"I was just thinking that if Heinrich could send goons for you he could do the same for his son. Do you have a phone number? I think you should call and tell them about the attack." Dave suggested. Rosaline nodded and dialled Monique's number. No one was picking up the phone.

Back in New York Rupert noticed Monique walking briskly away from a group of men who were apparently following her. He signalled around to his security details to keep close. Fernando, in charge of security, understood that his employer was going for trouble. He felt his gun inside his jacket and undid the safety.

Rupert soon caught up to Monique who was a bit startled by his sudden appearance. "What are you doing here?" Shimonthini asked him.

"I should ask you the same question but I would rather like to know whose child are you carrying."

"That is none of your concern." So saying, Monique, put her arm to her stomach, shielding it. Rupert gasped. "You mean you are pregnant! I was just asking about this boy in your arms." He said.

"Leave me alone. Go back to Shinjini. You should know she has filed for a divorce from Rahul." Shimonthini told him.

"Your sister Shinjini; yes I know she applied for a divorce but what does that have to do with me?" Rupert asked innocently.

"I know you love her. I saw you two together in my father's house" Shimonthini said.

"Phew. I didn't know my wife was a detective. Well I won't tell you what you saw was wrong but what you assumed was definitely wrong. I haven't been with a woman ever since I laid eyes on you. There was one particular Monique I was extremely attracted to but I guess that is a natural male instinct. Right, Monique?" Rupert asked her.

"You were attracted to me?" Shimonthini asked.

"Still am. I heard your conversation with Henry when he called you about the debt. I was standing outside the door. When you told me about the debt I already knew. When you went to meet your 'gay friend' I sent my security to trail you. I knew you were Monique even before you stepped inside that studio." Rupert answered. It was all over now. There was no point in a game where he would lose.

"I need time to process this," Shimonthini said.

"And I need to know who the fathers of your children are." Rupert countered.

"Herbert is a friend's son." Shimonthini offered.

"And" Rupert urged.

"The rest is not your concern," Shimonthini said solemnly.

"Ok and I don't really care. Are you ready to come with me?" Rupert asked his wife.

"Not yet. I need to process what you just said. You are eavesdropping, sending spies after me. How do I trust you?" Shimonthini asked.

"I need to keep safe what is mine. You are mine. I will wait for you. I have been waiting for you." Rupert said and turned on his feet to go.

"How will I find you?" Shimonthini asked.

"Henry Monnet. You find him. He'll bring you to me." Rupert concluded without turning back towards her.

Monique continued towards the hotel where she was staying. Rupert signalled Fernando to stick to Monique's trail. His wife needed some form of security. Another large shadow trailed Monique as well. Monique lay unaware of both.

Back at the hospital, Heinrich had been operated on. One of his lungs was crushed by the bullet on impact. He lay helplessly tied to a ventilator. It was a couple of hours before his consciousness returned. Dave questioned Heinrich on the plans regarding his child. Heinrich said that they will never find him again.

Dave gave Rosaline the information and asked her not to panic. Rosaline could not help it. Never before had she faced such a dire situation? She did the one thing she was most wont to do. She called her father.

Rupert listened to his daughter's voice calmly. He could very much tell that she was scared. His natural instinct as a father told him to be scared as well but he had to take charge of the situation. That was when he heard a man's voice. "Mr Rupert Mornington, my name is Dave Erickson. I work for the FBI."

"Yes, Mr Erickson. How may I help you?" Rupert asked.

"Heinrich Monnet staged an attack on your foster child. Ms David. who was shot but the bullet grazed her arm. She is in shock but otherwise fine. Doctors have seen to her. Heinrich Monnet is wounded and critical."

"I am coming over. Which hospital are you at?" Rupert asked.

"That won't be needed, Mr Mornington. But there is something that your daughter does need. Her son Herbert is at present in New York. Rosaline says that is where your house is. We are trying on our end to locate her son but Heinrich has arranged for a kidnapping of the child. He probably is a step ahead of us in this matter. The police are canvassing New York as we speak but your daughter knows of your resources and believes you could speed things up." Dave finished.

"Where is he, my grandson?" Rupert asked.

It was Rosaline who answered. "Herb is with my friend Monique, the woman who helped me escape from Heinrich in the first place. I am scared that Monique might be in danger as well. Heinrich's associates are very dangerous."

Rupert felt like cursing himself. Why did he leave his wife alone? It was true that Fernando stood guard outside the hotel but Monique could have been safe in his arms right now. He gave a sigh. It was Dave on the other end again. "We are unable to trace anyone by the name of Monique."

"Try Shimonthini Mornington," Rupert suggested. "She is at Hotel Melinda. I'll go get them. Tell Rosaline not to worry. I won't let anything happen to my wife and grandson." So saying, Rupert, ended the call. He needed to contact Fernando.

At Hotel Melinda things were apparently calm. Fernando stood by the door keeping a tab on Monique's room through the one open window. There was not a sound or a movement inside which was quite natural given the time which was past midnight. When Fernando received Rupert's call he expected to be called back to the Phoenix, in whose penthouse Rupert made his home.

"Been waiting for your call boss. All is calm over here." Fernando reported.

Rupert asked Fernando to go up to the room and have Monique call him. Fernando took his orders and made for the Hotel elevator.

Rupert waited for almost half an hour but no call came. Rupert decided to make a move on his own. He called Thomas Monroe, owner of Melinda hotel, a close friend and a namesake. While Thomas used his middle name, Rupert used his first. Thomas alerted the Hotel security of the situation and Rupert gathered his personal security to strike as well.