
Thankful Again

'What a weird day !!' Such thoughts came swarming into my head as I flopped down on my bed. A big grin played on my face when I thought about how I met an assassin guy for the first time in my life and miraculously forgot about him the next day. 'Aka was his name I believe.' But unfortunately as always, I'm not allowed to speak to anyone for whatsoever reason. With a heavy sigh escaping my mouth, I tossed around on my bed all the while playing with a stuffed toy while a soft mutter escaped my mouth 'No more of these extravagance. Please!'

It was considerably dark in my room, the reason being I didn't bother to turn on the lights. But the funny thing is, even with the lights off, I could see almost everything in the dim. The colours and the sizes of each object was pretty much clear to me. The pleasant breeze made the curtains hanging around at various places, flutter vigorously. Everytime the wind blew, my room got filled with the sweet smell of the wild flowers that grew in our ill-maintained garden. I could hear the crickets sing in the background. To sum it all up, this is the sort of environment that always managed to get me mesmerised or hypnotised or, whatever you call it. As I looked up from my window at the night sky, I could see the black cloth above adorned in millions of diamonds and a small crescent shaped jewel. 'What a heartbreaking sort of atmosphere is this?' Too boring.. some of those books that I've read until now always keep describing such times as "magical". Is magic such a boring thing?

Slowly my eyes got heavy. I was about to fall asleep when loud police sirens interrupted my bliss. "...."










"Thanks for helping me out back there" the guy said coming towards me all the while scratching his head. "You're hidden room was pretty useful !!!" Saying so, he simply dived into my bed and started making himself comfortable. "This is my bed ya know..." I scoffed at him with my arms crossed around my chest as I watched that guy pull the covers upto his head. "Mmm.. just for tonight? I'm really tired ya know... plus the cops might still be around outside." I had no choice anymore now. Rolling my eyes I agreed to let him be, rather hesitantly though.. "Cunning. I seem to hate him now" I whispered to myself out of anger "Don't you dare touch anything in here. If you do, I'll make sure to chop you into fine pieces after killing you and then use you as manure for the flower garden that aunt wants to have" "Haaa~ thankyou" he replied which annoyed me to an even further extent. You ask what's happening? Well... let's have a flashback of the past and make you understand how I got into this sort of an annoying situation.

The non-stop Sirens left me with no choice but to get a little interested and be a little nosy. Though quite hesitantly and unwillingly, I made my way to the balcony of my room. I could see the police cars patrolling around repeated number of times area. Although it was only a flash, but it seemed that I saw a silhouette in our garden, moving around in hurried steps and disappearing into the overly grown grass. At first, it got me scared out of my wits cause I thought that it must have been a ghost. It might seem ridiculous, but I get freaked out a lot even just at the thought of a ghost. But when the moonlight, though it was quite negligible, hit the back of that moving shadow, I could make out a well built human figure with seemingly muscular arms. In an instant, most of the story became clearer. Well... I have to be insane for having the guts to help some criminal escape the clutches of law. Or should I say that I'm quite insane already? Hmm... whateva. But what if something happens that would make me regret this? Like... what if I helped this guy and then he robbed me or even worse? At the beginning, I tried my best to ignore that lurking silhouette. But eventually, had to fail miserably in doing so. The fact that all criminals may not be so bad was not all false and so, I ended up deciding to simply follow my instincts. 'If that guy does turn out to be a person unworthy of my help, then..' thinking so I pulled open my junk drawer and took out the three most necessary things that I needed right then.

Around 12 minutes later the criminal sat in front of me on the balcony floor heavily grasping to catch his breath. In order to catch the attention of the 'assumed to be the target of those cops', I had to use a torch, the first necessary thing. No sooner did I succeeded in my attempt,  thanks I threw a rope down, that was the second important thing required to help him. While he was still grasping hard for some oxygen, I took off the rope as quickly as possible to put it back into my drawer and lock the drawer for just in case the cops start going through our house. In no time I was facing him again. But this time around, he was looking up at me with an extremely shocked expression. Well... it made sense. Who would ever have thought that the person who just helped you shall point a Kel-Tec PF-9 gun at your face? Something like getting rescued by a pirates while floating amidst in the ocean?

"Umm..." he was barely able to move his lips while I cut him off mid way with a really intimidating aura. "Just do one thing that I don't approve of and you'll only have two options. It goes BANG or I hand you to the cops. You're free to choose ! I'm so kind.. right?" The person whoose facial features were difficult to be seen in that dim, seemed to be making weird faces. He slowly raised his hands above his head in the infamous "hands up position"  I kept commanding him to move, walk and so on, all the while keeping my beloved gun focused at him. I had no choice but to lead him to my hidden room. Though I might have acted a little more cold blooded than any criminal, these measures that I took were an absolute necessity for the safety of the both of us. I simply kept him locked up in my hidden room until everything was over.

Though it really was a pity that I had to share this precious secret of mine with someone whom I didn't even know, I had no choice but to lead this guy both in and out of the small room that sat hidden from other's view for years with the simple help of a large mirror that hid the locker which contained a huge stash of my family's once priced heirlooms. But little would anyone guess that those jewels and other things were nothing more than imitations. With a little push on the wall inside the locker, that stands vertically opposite to one as they look in, a whole another room which is considerably small in size can be revealed.

That's where I usually spend my time when I hate to seen anyone at all. a.k.a, mostly during my times of depression and loneliness... or at times when I just simply don't wanna be bothered?

After almost an hour or so, when the cops were finally done thoroughly going through our house, which was not much 'thorough' at all, I finally faced the escapee properly. Of course, with the lights on this time. "So... am I fated to simply look stupid everytime I meet you and then hopelessly get you to help me each time?" He said after a long pause. This time around I was way too shocked to notice what sort of an expression he was wearing... which is quite unusual for someone like me,.. for someone who loves to study how different beings express their feelings in different sorts of situations.

"Hey Meko ??!" He spoke with his voice a little high, while waving his palm in front of my eyes.