
Distance- Diary Pages

Distance.. why? Why not? For what and what not?

A game? No. A movie's title? No. A book perhaps? "Then what" you say? Just "Distance"... distance between everything... DISTANCE from everything..

Aka Minagi:

Like.. no way !! This isn't any sort of game tossed into my face by fate, right? It was the same person both the times?

When that girl pointed the gun at me, I was really stunned. Not because my saviour was suddenly pointing their gun at me, but because it was THAT girl again. I don't know what I should I call this... a fateful encounter perhaps? But I don't really want to believe in all that Crap called fate or destiny or whatever. I don't believe that my fate is to look stupid in front of the same girl again and again when I'm actually the best lady killer out there!!!! Hmm... I should just settle with calling this thing as a simple 'coincidence'.

Honestly, I never imagined that she could be a girl this bossy. She's like "move the particular way I tell you to, else I'll shoot!!" Just don't rescue someone if all you're gonna do is shoot him!!

Never taking her eyes off me, she slid open that majestic mirror and revealed a majestic locker filled with shining things!!??? Seriously? This girl walks to and from school and looks so messy and badass that no one would even think that she's actually the Princess of a mansion!! And she SLID OPEN a damn mirror, which I, tbh never thought could be moved at all!! And as if things weren't quite crazy enough, she pushed open the wall inside the locker as if it were a door, AND IT REALLY WAS A DOOR!!! WTF? AND THEN SHE PU... COMMANDS ME TO GO IN ??!!!

The world sure is weird, man.... It surely IS





I can here noises from outside but I'm not really interested to peek out. Instead, the room in which I was being held as a prisoner was more interesting than any action scenes. Though the room was really small and cramped up, it was quite cozy and... nerdy. There was an average bed kept against one of the walls and a book shelf against the other. There was a desk in one corner on which some stationary and a few books lay scattered and a small laptop. Plus, there was a fridge in another corner filled with sweet stuff and fizzy drinks with a variety to choose from. I suddenly realized how tired I was from the whole thing and after a mere few minutes, I found myself getting all comfortable on the bed, sipping the most adult like beverage I found, a black coffee flavoured fizzy drink. "School books are enough to make my head spin... I don't really like this room....." but even so... the sunset colored diary kept on that small desk caught my eye.. mostly due to the odd color.

A few minutes later I found myself flipping through the pages of the diary... totally absorbed and immersed in it.