Yet again I woke up in a new setting. It was much better than before. The room was spacious and well decorated. I looked around and nodded satisfied. I rubbed my head trying to remember when I fell asleep. Then it all came flooding back to me. 'Why aren't you in any pain' 'you'll be fine' I CRIED IN HIS ARMS? No! Some sorcery has played tricks on my mind there is no way I would've let anyone see me cry. Definitely not him. This is a nightmare. Things really couldn't get any worse.
I jumped out of bed with my head hanging in shame at my treacherous behaviour last night. There was a long hallway outside the bedroom door so I decided to see where it lead. I heard screams and cries from left, right and centre. I smiled in enjoyment of the purifying sounds. I kept walking for until what felt like forever until I reached an interesting door right at the end of the hallway. The door spiked my interest immediately. It was wide and hefty. Made of stainless steel with a finger print lock. Just as I was about to knock it , the door shifted open and someone dragged me in.
'What the hell, who are you? And get your filthy hand off me right now before I spark your jaw'
I heard the geeky psycho boys voice reply:
'Oh hun, don't be so violent. We're only gonna help you.'
What the hell did he mean by help me? I don't need help. In all honesty I think he needs help.
'I don't need help thanks.'
'I said we're gonna help you. Who are you to talk to me like that?' His voice dropped and he sounded angry but emotionless at the same time. He dragged me by my arm and sat me on that metal chair again. Locking my legs and arms into the metal bars he said:
'Now your going to tell me why pain doesn't bother you.'
'Am I?'
I bravely responded.
'Suga, turn it on to level one'
So that was the guys name. Suga. Why would he call him self Suga if he's more like salt? Anyway that wasn't important.
'What's level one?'
I asked bluntly.
'You'll see'
I watched as Suga presses some buttons on a big machine. It took me a while but I finally realised what this was. An electric chair. Shit! I can take everything but not this. I can not stand being electrocuted. It's the only kind of pain I can actually feel.
'Now Suga.' The geek psycho said coldly.
Suga turned on the chair and every inch of me screeched out in pain. I screamed and screamed until I felt my lungs giving in. I was chocking on my own screams and could hardly breathe. Suga turned off the chair and the geeky psycho walked up to me cupping my face with his hands. Lifting up my head he said to me:
'I don't like seeing you like this hun, just tell me what happened to you and why you enjoy pain.'
Why was he so hung up on the whole pain thing. It's my business not his.
'I'll never tell you anything. I won't' I desperately whispered out. He let go of my head making it drop down.
'Suga, forget this and put it straight up to the highest level.'
And with saying that he calmly walked out of the room without looking back.
'Please don't do it, I'm begging you. I really can't take it, please Suga please.' I pleaded.
'I'm really damn sorry, I have no choice.'
He looked at me pitifully and turned the chair up all the way. It was much worse. I felt my whole body burn. Every inch of my skin felt like it was frying. I cried like never before and screamed until I tasted my own blood. Has blood always tasted this bad? I really couldn't take another inch of this and felt like I was dying. I held my breathe hoping to pass out to knock away the pain. It didn't work at all as I couldn't keep my screams in; the pain was too much to bare. After a long period of completely burning, I had no control over my body. I haven't felt this weak in years and there was absolutely nothing I could do. I heard the door open but couldn't even look to see who it was. I felt my legs and arms be released and finally knew it was over. I collapsed off the chair and the geeky psycho caught me.
'I hate you'
I softly whispered. He carried me bridal style back into the nice room without replying. He laid me down in the bed and sat next to me. He moved the burnt hair from out my face and gently said:
'Han Ma-Ria, I'm so sorry I did that. Sometimes I can't control my actions and express my feelings through violence. I don't want to hurt you. Your special because you defended me that day. The day I was most vulnerable. I have these outburst of no emotion and feel no way about doing anything. It's called split personality. But anyway , I'm really sorry.'
I didn't say anything just looked at him. I was too weak to move. He looked at me sorrowfully and stroked my head. He stood up and turned around to walk to the door.'
'Wait-' I forced out of my dry throat lifting my weak arm up trying to stop him. He quickly turned around and held my hand for support.
'Yes, what's wrong?' He asked worriedly.
'What- what's your name?' I weakly asked. He placed my arm back on the bed and tucked me under the blanket.
He gently replied
'Kim Taehyung.'