Space Virus (VIII): The Only Choice

After the forced log out there wasn't really anything left to do, by the time I could log back in it was well into the morning, and I just decided to spend it with Ron, and it was fun for the most part. We had pancakes and I read through a few reports, and then filled in Morrigan, Nezha, Nuwa and King about what they had missed when logged out. So they logged in ahead of me to go check things out.

Finally, I could log in, and the first thing I noticed was the fact that I was in an airlock, it was a bit confusing because I knew the cargo ship didn't have an airlock. Only frigates, freighters, motherships, colonies, space ports and space stations had docking areas that required airlocks. Most other starships just utilized bay doors and could not be boarded in space, which means they had to dock at either space ports, colonies or stations to carry out any sort of transactions or in most cases; repairs.