Space Virus (IX): Aftermath

My resurrection was instant, which was surprising but quite welcomed. But I wasn't exactly sure if respawning in my captain's quarters on the Acheron was a good idea. But ultimately I couldn't feel it, there was absolutely no trace of the virus in me, and it felt really good to be free of that thing, or rather I seriously hope that I'm free of it.

{The Neural Encroaching Virus (N.E.V) has been eliminated, you have gained a level.}

If I could let out a wild whoop of joy I would, but I was the captain, I had an imaged to protect. I oved my legs over the bed as the door to my room banged open and Sky barged in, her massive body quickly enveloping me as it seemed like the little elephant was crying. While her ability to change her shape was intriguing, it was obvious the young battle beast has been through a lot this past few days.