
But that day her focus was not on Mr. Andrew but all the stares she was getting while walking down the hallway. Everyone stared at her and whispered in each other's ears then they would point fingers at her and laugh. "Hey Red, wearing your diaper today?" boys would tease her " poor baby did your mama taught you how to wear a diaper? What size do you wear?" girls would laugh at her.

Her whole school life became a misery. She lost all her confidence. Her friends refused to talk to her. Teachers wouldn't stop the bullying and lunch time were the worst. Random kids would come around and pour ketchup on her lunch "eat this, Red" they would laugh and gave each other hi-fives.

Zack and Alison were the worst. They would team up on her with all their followers and would bully her. There was no escape. It had been two years but it continued.

One time Amber was in girl's bathroom in school after a long day. She was about to change.As soon as she ripped open the packet a bunch of girls entered in.

"Ewww it stinks.... whose in there?" Alison shouted and started kicking all the doors "Come out".

Amber started to panic trembling badly the packet fell on the ground and out of the cubicle. One of the girls picked it up and Amber was forced to come out as that was the only one she had and she needed it badly.

"Oh its Miss Red again" Alison taunted stringingly. "Why is it that it's always you? Do you have a medical problem?" She sounded concerned but Amber knew better and decided to stand for herself

"Give me my stuff back" she said bravely. "Oh this?" she took the packet and waved it infront of Amber " come and get it" Alison smirked.

The group started a catch game while Amber kept on jumping between them like a helpless cat. " Take this whore!" Alison shouted and pushed Amber to the ground. Everyone started kicking her untill she was screaming in pain. Alison threw the packet on her face and they left.

Amber came home in the most disheveled condition. Lips swollen, knee and elbow scratched, blood on her cloths, Mrs. Lu got scared that a bigger misfortune had landed on her daughter. She kept on asking Amber but to no avail. "I'm fine Maa, girls and I got into a little quarrel but your daughter is strong. They are in a worst shape than this. Be ready to defend me if they call you to school tomorrow." Amber reassured her mother with a smile and left for her room.

But she wasn't fine. That night she cried on her pillow for four hours and with her cried the skys. The heavy rainfall suppressing her sobs.