First Night (1) <R-18>

She didn't know what kind of ghost possessed her to actually do what the self-proclaimed system tasked her. The girl just found herself hailing the cab, going to the nearest hotel which was called 'So Go', and taking the elevator to the top floor. The pounding in her chest testified for her nervousness.

She inspected the reflected girl with long black hair on the walls of the elevator.

The girl was wearing a grey top and a flowery white long skirt. The thick glasses in her eyes made her look like a nun. Her face looked okay, good-looking even. She had no pimples which was a plus. However, the dark spots under her eyes because of the consecutive sleepless nights of worrying about the debts diminished the brightness from her face.

Her overall appearance attracted many suspicious gazes from the people of the hotel. She hardly gave them a damn, though. She didn't check-in, but just went straight to the elevator.

No one's with her starting from the ground floor, so she had fewer eyes to worry about. Unfortunately, her unease seemed to reach deep into her bones. When she reached the highest floor of the hotel, which is the twenty-first floor, she came out with unsteady steps causing her to bump with the opening doors of the lift.

"Gosh. A good thing that no one's around."

She took out her phone and read the task again. It took her a few more seconds to firm up her resolve. She knew she couldn't just barge into the room specified by the system so she tried to probe.

"System, I know you can hear me. You responded to me a while ago when I asked who you are so I know you can hear me. Please, tell me. How do I go inside the third room on this floor? I don't have a key or password or whatever!"

Not even three seconds passed and a reply flashed on her screen.


'Do I really have to do this?'

The girl's courage had never been big. The moment she received its reply, more than half of her mind was already in favor of backing out.

The other less than half of her brain tried its best to cook up the 'what if' scenarios that would happen once she steps into the room. She stood there outside the door for so long, drowned in indecisiveness. Only when she saw it's already more than fifty minutes since she took the mission that she finally gained the courage to press the doorbell.

She knew what could happen. She's not that clueless on what the task title meant. The system still remains untrustworthy, but whenever she thought of her debts, of being hunted by people demanding money she could never give, her intuition whispered that she should just take the gamble.

That was the sole reason why she closed her eyes and pressed the doorbell.

She had yet to finalize any plausible reason for her action in case the person questioned when the door suddenly opened and revealed a tall, bloodshot-eyed, mature-looking man with a half-exposed chest. This made her surprised and unsure of what to do next.

"I-I... G-good day, S-sir. I am one of the hotel's staff and aps! ----"

The red color seemed to blind her as it was the only thing she saw when her body suddenly got dragged inside the room, the door behind her mockingly blocking her path of retreat as it closed.

"N-no! W-wait!!!"

The man didn't pay attention to her words and wordlessly pulled her inside. When he opened the door, he was actually about to go out to get a woman to help him solve his problem. The girl arrived in a timely manner. Apparent from his bloodshot eyes and ragged breathing, the man was already close to his limit.

The girl cried in alarm when the man pushed her to the bed and aggressively pounced on her. His actions really scared the girl, her mind subconsciously alarmed her to escape, saying,


'As you fast as you can!'

'The man is a beast!'

Her fidgeting body tensed at his burning touch. Only now did she realize how scary it was to be touched by a complete stranger, not to mention one with red eyes filled with beastly desires. The girl was really regretting her decision to follow the system now and only wished to escape from the place. She did her best to push the man above her, but her attempts proved futile when the man did not even budge an inch.

The disparity between their strength alarmed her further. The man was very strong! The man could kill her!

"Let me go! Please let me go!!!" She cried before screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Baby, you're not going anywhere." A huskily sexy voice came out of the man's mouth which was now raining kisses on her face.

"Y-you!" The wet touch of his lips on her skin made her flinch. "Y-you're not on your right mind! P-please stop! I-I am this hotel's employee!"

She once again screamed and even tried to push the man off of her using her hands and feet. The man merely laughed and caught her hands using one hand. His other free hand removed her eyeglasses.

"Baby, your eyes are beautiful. Don't wear glasses ever again."

She's a nearsighted person so even though the guy removed her eyeglasses from her, she could still see the face of the man clearly. His lips were now on her neck and the freehand was busily tearing through her clothes. It was like sorcery how just a slight tug of his hand immediately ruined her upper garment. The same happened to her long skirt. Another bout of fear flooded her mind because she felt him removing her underwear below. She could only cry and let out another scream of alarm when she felt his hand freely roaming on her body.

Probably annoyed by her loud voice, the guy sealed her lips with his. The inexperienced girl's mind blanked out the moment he started invading her mouth with his tongue.

The girl's smooth skin was now dangerously exposed, only her two modestly sized breasts remained covered by a piece of clothing. The rest of her body parts, however, had no such cover, especially the parts down the smooth and flat stomach.

She shivered the moment the free hand explored her lower body, particularly that important part. The man saw the tears running down her face and kissed it, then he whispered to her ears as if to tease her or make her guilty.

"Baby, I know you're not one of the employees like what you're claiming."

The shock brought by his words mysteriously heightened the delirious feeling she's getting from his kisses and nerve-wracking exploration of her lower half. The shivering wouldn't stop, like the unknown magic he's doing to her below.

"P-please let me go! No, no, please!"

However, time passed and the guy only keeps on invading the inviolable using his fingers.

"S-stop! Please. I'm sorry! Please s-stop!" She cried in a small voice with her eyes closed. The pleasantly unpleasant and addictive sensation down there was driving her crazy but she was still scared.

Her two hands were still pinned above her. Her face turned to the left side with no eyes open, as if she's afraid of what she would see. She didn't see the man laughing soundlessly. He did stop harassing the girl underneath him and started undoing the buttons of his shirt and pulling down the zipper of his pants. He brought his lips to her ears. The wet sensation and fiery breath made her shiver and squeeze out more tears.

The man's eyes still bloodshot, he huskily whispered. "You are right. I have to stop this, baby. You are now ready."

An alarm went on in her head which made her open up her eyes in haste. That was also when the man's strong arms hugged her close to his body. Close is the wrong word. Their bodies were now without distance. She could feel his firm muscles. The skin was slippery due to sweat. The girl's eyes widened when he suddenly gave her a lusty kiss accompanied by a pain that tore through her lower body.

"Hug me, baby. I'll be as gentle as possible."

He freed up her arms and she did not know if it's because of the pain or what, she did find herself wrapping her arms around him into a hug. More tears sprung forth from her eyes when she felt him moved. Something was trying to invade her and it's bringing her unimaginable pain as if something was trying to split her in half!

"I-It's painful!"

"Bear with it for a while. I'll make sure to give you a marvelous experience later."

The man's voice only made her cry more. Her body was forcefully made to cater to the drugged man's desire. He was even on top of her and was still moving back and forth, thrusting repeatedly inside her after tearing through the sacred piece of flesh that defines every woman's chastity.

"Ah, so tight! Babe..." The man growled as he repeatedly pushed his thing inside and outside her flower slowly before picking up a fast rhythm.

The pain gradually subsided as a very pleasant sensation continuously made way to her brain from her part which was being rammed by a massive thing.

"Oh, .... oh!" She tried to suppress it but the sounds still escaped from her. "N-No, I-'m - This... W-why am I feeling like this? N-no---- Ah! Ah!"

It seemed fatal to the man because when he heard her suppressed moans, he suddenly went all out. The pleasure from the immoral activity gradually drowned them both as they neared the peak.

The man never stopped calling her baby. The dirty talks from his lips peppered the scene as their bodies continued making wet sounds of pleasure.

The girl eventually closed her eyes. She couldn't believe what just occurred to her. With her hair messily clinging to her wet face and body, and with his hand supporting her head, she climaxed, a shameless scream came from her.

The stranger guy beastly groaned as well when he reached his own peak. He didn't hear any protest from her partner, so he didn't bother taking out his manhood from the woman's pleasure hole. He knew he was drugged which meant he would be going at it for a long while.



System Announcement: Task 'Lose Your Innocence' Completed.

Congratulations on successfully passing the qualification trial. You have now graduated from your useless virginity and successfully gained the right to be one of the Great System's hosts. Rejoice and celebrate!


The girl was too absorbed with the sensation so she failed to realize that she's completely naked right now with a man's thing still inside her. The phone was nowhere near her. She only regained clarity when something rang inside her mind.

Double horrors haunted her as the man above her directly showed his vigorous appetite with his resumed thrusting, and as a mysterious phenomenon happened directly within her brain. The man assumed her fear was because he's sliding inside her again at a quick speed. With a wicked grin, he flipped her up and made her crawl on all fours, all to pump his thing inside her without stop.


"I'm sorry, Babe. We won't be sleeping tonight!"

Her mouth automatically gave in as she couldn't suppress moaning because of the very pleasant feeling. There's still pain but she's still feeling really good. If someone would see them right now, no one would believe that the girl had just been forcefully violated. She's easily picking up the pace and doing her best to also not lose out on the sexual activity.

The air around them permeated lust that filled both their bodies and brain. It seemed the moment the girl tasted climax, she had already given up resisting and just wanted to feel that wondrous thing repeatedly.

While the man was busily doing her from behind, she double-tasked as she tried to comprehend what the system was saying.


System Announcement: As true rewards for finishing the qualification task, you receive the welcome pack comprising

- Stamina candy x 1

- Intelligence candy x 1

- Foxy Scent (Perfume)

- Heavenly Sexy Sets (Clothing)

- Beginner's Guidebook x1

- 100 Points
