First Night (2) <R-18>


System Announcement: As true rewards for finishing the qualification task, you receive a welcome pack comprising

- Stamina candy x 1

- Intelligence candy x 1

- Foxy Scent (Perfume)

- Heavenly Sexy Sets (Clothing)

- Beginner's Guidebook x1

- 100 Pleasure Points


She shouted 'Pervert System! Scamming System!' inside her mind when she finally digested everything she heard. She felt badly cheated. And humiliated.

"Uoooh...oh!... C-cheater! Bastard!" She scolded the system. However, the stimulation from her still being ransacked private part did not allow her to properly convey the anger in her heart.

The man instead had his manhood enlarged because he thought he's the one being scolded. For some reason, it further aroused him. This was why he sped up and made her reach the peak again a second time.

And he was still very vigorous and ready to have a few more rounds.

The night went on. Outside, the moon tried to peak on the blush-inducing mating inside one of the topmost rooms of the hotel, but the tightly closed windows of the luxury room only made way for two people madly making love inside. The little woman was thoroughly ravaged by the vigorous and muscled-bodied man high in aphrodisiac. The girl fearing the stamina of her partner finally figured out how to bring out the reward candy from her mind. This was of course through her Immoral System's help. Only through this did she survive the hell pleasure of successive lovemaking in many positions. After over climaxes, the man finally finished venting and collapsed from exhaustion.

The girl, on the other hand, finally had time to cry from the bottom of her heart as she cuddled with a stranger, albeit not because of her own volition.

Throughout the night, the system made sure to throw her many stupid quests.

"..." This what she was currently trying to complete.

When the man fell asleep after his venting, she had already raked in quite a sum of the system's so-called 'Pleasure Points.' She quietly resolved herself to leave after the latest task, but the system had thrown one last quest to her.

"...May I refuse?" This she asked within her mind. As the host, she learned she could converse with the damnable system directly this way.

The girl only managed to restrain her anger after a long time. When she remembered again all the atrocities she did with this Young Master Gio, she then wallowed with grief.

"What have I done to myself?" She asked as silent tears streamed down.

"I never imagine myself stooping this low in order to pay my bills and debts."

"I-I didn't! I-I'm------------" Her mind was in a mess as she mumbled unintelligent words. "T-this, I, enjoyed not....really. I really didn't!" However, her honest body earlier showed she did.

For a girl as pure as snow a couple of hours ago, changing perspective to a cheap whore really challenged all her beliefs and morals. The shivering couldn't stop as she tried to picture her ominously miserable future. Even if she graduates from the debts, her intuition tells her the System would steer her to a dangerous cliff or dead-end...

The girl gradually calmed down and firmed up a decision. With great difficulty, she supported herself up and tried to walk around the room to search for any clothes to put on. The man practically destroyed even her panties so she really needed another change of clothes.

She didn't pay much attention to her awkward walking as she deemed it more important to quickly leave the place. Without a choice, she could only rob Gio of his pants and shirt before running out of there. Screw the painful stares of the people she encountered on her way. All that matters was to get away from there which, to her relief, did not prove difficult because no one truly bothered barring her way outside the hotel.

As for the grumpy and sarcastic system bombarding her with hurtful remarks, she was too tired to pay it any attention as she peacefully collapsed on her own humble bed when she reached home.
