He Whose Interest Was Piqued (1)

A real trip to the past. Two years ago from the current timeline, or more or less a year after the students from HCA were exchanged with those from a school in Country J.

After regaining clarity about Steffy and Wendy's situation, Sofony discreetly visited the country and stayed there for three days. One reason for this decision was that she had a business meeting with some foreign investors to deal with. The other, to check on those two girls and see how they were doing.

Before leaving the country for Alina City, she made sure to strengthen Steffy's 'own' memories, instilling to the depths of her sister's mind that this life had always been hers.

Deeming too that Alina City was still dangerous for them, she hypnotized the two to prolong their stay in Country J. After all, Alina was indeed still not safe, with Gio still not found and with an unknown host freely roaming around. Sofony couldn't bring herself to imagine them being victimized by another Clarissa.