He Whose Interest Was Piqued (2)

As Simonne's sister, aside from being inside a police car most of the time chasing after fleeing criminals, or at the crime scene piecing out clues and solving mysteries, Wendy also had her fair share of experiences and dealings with the wounded, tending to the casualties and injured people. His brother had her learn some first aid treatment too, which included how to treat and pull out bullets from shallow and/or hideous wounds.

She never knew the training would be of good use today when he saw that the man was actually shot in the right shoulder and had a fairly deep gash on the stomach region.

Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

But it was not really due to the blood excessively flowing out of the man's wounds.

She got it on the way to where she currently stays!

The man was so damn heavy!

The heck! How did that happen when this bloke looked so slender in his black overalls? Looks could really be deceiving! Damn!