Aetius Kills The Competition

I looked around to see what was going on. Aetius grabbed another gladiator and imploded their head. He looked like a murderer while I looked like I just happened to pass by the crime scene. This of course was because of my calm composure and how I do not look like someone who would put up well in a fight. He in contrast was covered in blood, but unlike me, he looked angry and was huge. I looked around myself by step around. Behind me was Crispus, the man I killed, the tiger, and the gladiator who had his head bit off. Beside me was Aetius' human opponent and the tiger he killed. Finally, in front of me was the dead gladiator Aetius just now killed and one other gladiator. 6 out of 10 killed and 2 tigers killed out of 4. Still a lot of work left.

I sighed and walked slowly towards the next tiger, as my duty was now. It starred at me oddly, as if confused. "What?" I said angrily. I scowled at its inquisition to my question. "I'm having a bad day, so if you're gonna' stand there and stare at me I'd rather you use that time to die for me please. You know, save me some work." I said this in a stuck up way and crossed my arms. The tiger got the gist and charged in front of me. He went to scratch my face, but I was getting more and more frustrated with the day, so I was starting to get more aggressive . Some people may tell you that getting angry will cloud your thoughts, which it will, but they'll also say that it will make you fight unreasonably. In my case at least I get more viscous and less understanding as well.

As it aimed for my face I got my staff out and horizontally extended it. When the paw hit the staff I was pushed back a bit and the sand behind me slid under my feet. I tensed my muscles and pushed back against the tiger. I stepped forward and it started to become easier to push back. At first I was skidding forward, then walking, jogging, to running. The beast fell over and jumped up. I ran forward in a flash. By the time the cat was on its feet I was flying past its eye. It moved back its head on instinct, which was my chance.

I pushed my bo staff under its neck very forcefully making it fall back. I jumped from my place and in front of the tiger's mouth. I stuck the staff in between its top and lower jaw. I then flipped it up to hit the top of the top gum of the tiger's mouth The tiger was growling, but by now was heavily dehydrated and tired, as well as in pain, so it could not move. I took my bo staff out of its mouth and thrust it into its throat. It gagged as I pushed the staff so hard that I went through its neck and into its inner body. Blood spilled out as a slime with many other fluids. I pulled out my bow and looked at it. It was beautifully colored now from its jet black wooden stain to a beautiful dark red. The beast gurgled up blood on its last remaining remnants of life.