Saving Silvanus

I looked at my right hand as I removed it from my hand. They were caked in blood. This is the first time that I'd ever been in such a large scale and bloody fight, so this wasn't normal for me. It didn't so much bother me as it made me feel well at the new experience even though I was unmeasurably angry. I put my staff in my hands and put my bow flipped behind me in holding stance. I looked back and a body was being thrown around out of the last tiger's mouth, half in, half out. The tiger flipped his head up and swallowed the man, weapon and all whole. Another gladiator behind him stood as the 3rd remaining gladiator. He fell to his knees and yelled out begging of God and Christ to let him survive this battle. Not even God will save you. I thought.

The tiger that was left was happily and with gluttony, licked his blood stained lips for his next meal. The man, probably still hearing the tiger's sounds, continued praying. The tiger slowly bent over nearer and nearer to his head. I don't know what got into me, but this set me off and I did something I never thought I would do. I saved him. The tiger slowly opened his mouth and his spit speared between his teeth and tongue, as if he hadn't eaten in days. I widened my eyes in anger and jumped in front of him. I lashed out my staff and rammed it into the tiger's face. It hit like a smashing slap across its face. Its mouth spit out splotches of blood from the impact. It fell onto its side and roared in agony.

I rolled it over with my foot and stabbed into its stomach. I then, as I had my bo staff in its stomach, pulled up. A chunk of skin, bones, organs, and bodily fluids leaked out. I looked behind me at the man. I had protected him successfully for no reason. This dwindled my brain,but their was no time to think of that at this point. He slowly took away his clasped hands from his head and set them on his knees. He raised his head and with a beaming smile, said his thanks.

"My name is Silvanus Egnatius! I will remember your good deed of today as long as my mind remains!" He said joyously. "Don't get too happy because eventually you'll be killed. I may have saved you, but if Aetius defeats me he'll have to kill you, or if I win I will. Also, that wasn't a good deed, since in the end it will be useless. It just got rid of a very annoying player of the game." I explained. "Your name sir? I would like to remember the youngling who saved me forever and may the gods be with you!" He's persisting, so I might as well tell him and continue the battle at hand. "I'm Lucius Manius Felix. I'd rather you forget about me actually. I'm not a person who should be remembered…"