Let Me Raise You

Wang Yong had momentarily left her to get them light drinks and was shortly gone. Who would have thought the second he leaves Zhi Ruo alone she would encounter trouble?

( Author: the plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). )

Jessica instantly frowned at the sight of Zhi Ruo. In this one week worth of time, the investigator she hired still couldn't find any strong leads. There were a few profiles that could have matched but nothing was strongly confirmed.

However, now that she encountered this lady in the VIP suite of an extremely luxurious casino that was only reserved for the richest and influential people of the society, she started to wonder if she made a huge mistake by pissing off someone with a higher status than her.

' Impossible, how can someone with such a high status have close to none information on the web? Moreover, there are a lot of people with lower status than me that attends this kind of gathering...'

" What do you want from me now? " Jessica sharply replied.

" Nothing, just asking you if you have been well. " Zhi Ruo answered indifferently.

" Hmph! Don't show this fake concern, I, Jessica Brooks, do not need your worries! Who are you either way? " Jessica arrogantly retorqued.

" My apologies seems like I forgot to introduce myself, I am Angelica. " Zhi Ruo used her English name and didn't mention her family name. She wouldn't let her efforts of concealing her identity go to waste so quickly.

" Not even mentioning your family name, ashamed? " Jessica sneered at her response but inwardly she panicked, ' In these moments, these types of characters are usually overpowered! What the hell am I still doing?! '

" Seeing that you are nothing more than an insignificant bug, I shall not waste my precious time on you. " Jessica haughtily laughed before promptly walking away.

' Well, that was surprisingly peaceful. ' Zhi Ruo thought' But...doesn't she kind of sound like a broken record...? Always mentioning her name and all...is she trying to shoo people away with this name or what? Does she really need to do that each time she meets someone she dislikes? '

Wang Yong came back with two glasses of champagne in his hands and handed one glass to Zhi Ruo, " Who were you talking to? "

" Somebody I casually met. " Zhi Ruo vaguely answered but that raised suspicion in Wang Yong.

" Do you know how to play poker? " Wang Yong asked as they took a sip of their drink.

It was still early so there weren't many people and Wang Yong was pretty sure that his friend would only arrive later when the real big shots would actually come. Everyone else in this room right now was not actually the elite of the elites. So, meanwhile, they could entertain themselves for a while.

Zhi Ruo thought back to her previous experiences and remembered that although she wasn't bad she was not exactly the greatest, she experienced more loss than gains. Her poker face kind of helped her but against professional gamblers, she didn't dare risk too much money.

" Kind of, I am not amazing at it though. " Zhi Ruo answered and turned to Wang Yong, " What about you? "

" I am decent. " Wang Yong gave her a mysterious smile.

" Will you play? " Zhi Ruo asked with brimming curiosity. If the big boss said so, he might actually be godly at it and rack in a lot of money!

" Do you want to see me play? " Wang Yong smiled at her cute curious face.

" Hmm. " Zhi Ruo eagerly nodded, ' I am sure being boss would look so cool. '

" Your wish is my command, little princess. " Wang Yong chuckled and rubbed her head like always.

They both walked to a table and Wang Yong bought a few chips of a hundred thousand dollar value.

Zhi Ruo curiously looks at the game and even though she is a bit confused, she tried her best to follow. Poker was a game that included psychological aspects and might seem confusing to new players.

Somehow, Wang Yong seemed to easily outwit the other players and win a lot of money. Even though his hands were not always the best.

Zhi Ruo closely observed his facial expression and could never pick any clue about his decision nor his cards.

From the outer corner of his eye, Wang Yong could see his little kitten intensely looking at him, He chuckled inwardly, ' How can she be so cute? Sigh...I want to kiss her. '

As the night passed by, Wang Yong continued to casually win money until the other players started getting frustrated with him.

Wang Yong didn't want to get involved with drama and quit after reaching a good amount of money.

" Hmph! Scared? " one of the players sneered as Wang Yong stood up from the table.

Wang Yong gave him an aloof glance and smiled, " Yeah, I am scared that my girlfriend will be mad if I don't spend time with her. "

His tone was light as he pronounced the words, " Have a nice night. I wish you good luck. "

Wang Yong walked towards Zhi Ruo and eagerly hugged her, " So did I do good? "

Zhi Ruo beamed and happily nodded, " I didn't know you were so good at winning money! You were awesome! "

Wang Yong smiled at her cute face and kissed her lips, " Don't worry, I am very good at winning money, you can stop working and let me raise you. "

Zhi Ruo slightly froze from his flirty words and giggled, ' How was the big boss so adorable these days?! '

" I shall look forward to it then. " Zhi Ruo smiled adoringly, ' Sigh... I will have an amazing life once the big boss gets super-duper rich. Did the god actually do this? '

" Wang Yong? " a voice suddenly called out to him, " Is it you? "

The couple turned to look at the source.

" Leon. " Wang Yong smiled and let go of Zhi Ruo, one of his hand still around her waist, " Long time no see. "

A/N: I'll try to make this as short as possible but I believe that is is very important for me to address this subject to you guys. I am so grateful that I have been given a platform where I can interact with more people and I want to put it to good use.

Many of you have probably already heard about the George Floyd accident and that it enraged the population. Violent protests have started all over America and people have been chanting blacklivesmatter at the top of their lungs. It has been all over social media and the news. The policeman, Derek Chauvin, is not only an uneducated man (because racism comes from ignorance) but he is also a disgusting, stupid, self-centred and incompetent person that has corrupt morals. I could go on for a long while insulting him but that wouldn't change anything.

I do understand that some of you may be discouraged as this situation is complete nonsense where a person of justice and law has abused his power and that again, we want to use the law to solve this problem but this is the world we live in. No matter how perfect a system can be, corrupt people will always appear to ruin it and taint it. However, this is the time for us, humanity, to move forward to prevent these things from ever happening again.

There will always be dumb people like Dereck but by acting right now, we can continue to protect our society from likes similar to him. I shall put a link down below to sign the petition as well as other places where you can donate.

Unfortunately, I am underage and cannot pay using PayPal, I also can't go out to protest as my parents don't allow it but signing the petition and spreading awareness is something I can do and that all of you can also do. I want to say thank you for acting but this is not something that should be rewarded for, these are the only right thing to do.

I would like to help clarify two aspects of this matter. One, when we say blacklivesmatter we bring attention to the racism against black people, in no way are we implying that all lives don't matter, we are just bringing light to an urgent issue. Two, the stance of neutrality is siding with the oppressors because who do you help when you keep your silence and don't shine a light on it? The oppressors. You help the oppressors. You tell them that they can continue what they are doing.

If you do go out to protest, thank you for your bravery, especially during this pandemic. Cover yourself properly and wear your mask, your safety must come first. Please make sure to stay low-key and not carelessly reveal your identity in case police... Once more, stay safe and thank you for doing what many of us can't do!

If you read till now, thank you. Bless your soul. I have faith in us.