Choose One Thing At A Time

Sitting in the back seat of a speeding car, Zhi Ruo confusedly sat as she tightly held onto the seatbelt, trying hard to appear unfazed.

' the f*ck can I stay calm when we are getting chased by the police?! ' Zhi Ruo screamed in her mind as she looked back to the flashy police cars, ' How did I even end up here?! '

Earlier the night...

" You finally left the military? " Leon smirked childlessly as he excitedly gave Wang Yong a hug, " Why didn't you tell me sooner that you were coming to the US?! I would have properly welcomed you! "

" It's fine, I just came a week ago. " Wang Yong casually received the hug and instantly pushed him away afterwards.

" So cold... " Leon pretended to be hurt.

" Oh? You are here with a beautiful lady! I never thought that this day would come! Introduce her to me quickly! Does she speak English? " Leon noticed Zhi Ruo and eagerly asked.

From all the time he knew this serious friend of his, he had never seen him with a woman nor has he seen him develop an interest towards any of them. He started to think he might be gay... But tonight was different, he was now cuddling cozily with a pretty lady!

" Zhi Ruo, this is Leon Kings, a good friend of mine. Leon, this is Zhi Ruo, my girlfriend. " Wang Yong casually introduced but Leon could hear the adoring love behind the word girlfriend when Wang Yong introduced her.

" Nice to meet you, Miss Zhi, it is such an honour to meet you. I am sure you are a wonderful woman to make Wang Yong fall head over heels for you. " Leon heartily laughed as he extended his hand.

" Nice to meet you too. " Zhi Ruo's voice was neither cold nor warm. Her casual indifference gave her an elegant image. She gently shook hands with him and subtly observed him.

' Was he an important character in the novel?! I can't remember half of the characters! With the plot's power, it might not be surprising to discover that he is some kind of significant character.

" Actually, tonight, I came to find you. " Wang Yong said as he looked at Leon seriously.

Leon was slightly taken aback but immediately nodded, " Let's go to a private room then. "

Zhi Ruo and Wang Yong followed Leon to a private room and sat down.

Leon ordered a few drinks and snacks to be brought in the room, " What about you guys? Order anything you like! I'm paying! "

Wang Yong looked at Zhi Ruo, " You are probably hungry right? Let's order something light. "

Zhi Ruo nodded and Wang Yong took the initiative to order a few light dishes, " Please bring a blanket too. That will be all. "

" You are cold? " Zhi Ruo looked at him.

" For you. You are so insensible. You told me you were going to take better care of yourself after you collapsed last time but you don't even take care of your body when you are cold. " Wang Yong frowned at her.

" How do you know? " Zhi Ruo asked incredulously.

" Your fingertips were cold when I held them earlier. " Wang Yong answered with a smirk, " No wonder you need me to warm your bed...your body temperature is so low. "

Zhi Ruo: ... ' Big need to choose one thing at a time. I don't know if you are scolding me, caring for me or flirting with me. Stop confusing me. '

Zhi Ruo chuckled and squeezed his hand, " It's not that I didn't care, I just thought it would give me a good reason to stick to you tonight. "

Wang Yong smiled and rubbed her head, " You don't need a reason to stick to me. "

Leon who understood their whole conversation in Chinese: ... ' I see... you are that type of couple ಠ_ಠ...always throwing dog food everywhere... '


After the food and drinks were served, Wang Yong made sure that Zhi Ruo ate a proper portion of food before starting to talk with Leon about his situation.

" I see... so you need my help to corner the suspects, right? " Leon nodded as he sipped his drink.

" Yeah. I will have to go search for my grandpa and take over the company so I will be extremely busy. I need your help to investigate and to take them out. Bo Jiang is already on to it but we are still lacking resources. " Wang Yong explained in a cold voice, completely different from when he talks with Zhi Ruo.

Zhi Ruo listened to the conversation and looked at Wang Yong's handsome face as he spoke about important matters. ' Big boss is so...charming! '

' No! ' Zhi Ruo slapped herself in her head as she ate another bite of her dessert, ' That's not the point here! The point is that big boss is being threatened and that people want him dead! Concentrate! '

' Sigh... what kind of dumb*ss fool have I become after falling in love?! ' Zhi Ruo exasperatedly lamented as she listened to her own silly thoughts.

' I previously thought that I wouldn't need to involve myself with this matter but as I am now in a relationship with big boss, I guess I will also have to pitch in and help Wang Yong... '

Suddenly, a ringtone interrupted her train of thought and Zhi Ruo looked over to Leon who picked up his phone.

" What's wrong, sis? " his tone light.

As the other side answered, Leon's face turned solemn and he quickly got up.

" What happened? " Wang Yong frowned at his brusque movement.

" Haha...hum...something went wrong in one of my operations and the police is now chasing after me. They have almost arrived here. It's better to run away right now. Follow me. We can talk more afterwards. " Leon's voice still had a joking undertone but Zhi Ruo and Wang Yong immediately understood and followed him out.

Leon's bodyguard helped them secure a special exiting pathway and they managed to get out after running for a while.

" My sister came to pick us up! " Leon said in a cheery voice before pointing at the red car that was stationed right in front of the back entry, where they came out of.

The loud sirens from the three police cars almost broke Zhi Ruo's tympans as they approached the casino at a fulgurant speed.

The three of them hurriedly entered the car and the driver sped away.

As the red car zoomed onto the highway, Zhi Ruo slowly blinked her eyes at Leon's sister...

' Sigh...M. Plot...I am not even surprised at this point...try to change your patterns okay? '

' It's Alessia. ' Zhi Ruo facepalmed inwardly.