chapter 1. I'm back.

The world is dooms with humanity become extinct to the world at the end of year 2044.

Many people thought the world will welcome dooms in year 2012. But instead year 2012, the doomsdays striked in year 2025. Thirdteen years after the estimated time of doomsday that determined by human.

For the first of dooms, half of humanity will dead by the unknown plague in the first week. The second week the deads are revived to become undeads. Yet half of remaining humanity perist in the hand of this undead.

Maybe misfurtune never come alone when human realized that they owned a new power to resist the attack of the undeads. This time many base is created, of course there a good and bad base according to the founder personality. The greed of human to owned more power is no boundary. The greed also make human become separated from being reunited and together resist the doomsdays.

Xeols the man without residency to any base after his family gone during the apocalypse striked the world. Currently, he stand on top of highes building with strong wind blowing his shoulder length of black hair in disarray. The aerial and land mutant beasts along with undeads completely surrounded him.

All of them shown their fangs as if Xeols is the last delicacy that remain in the world. Xeols grits his teeth and grips his Titanium sword hardly before teleport in the middle of large group of mutant beasts and undeads before he use his space distort ability along with sword play to kill some of them. Xeols also forces himself to activated his battle instinct mode to the extremed to increase his combat ability many times over its base. The mascarred was continues until Xeols's show sight of weakness to the mutant beasts and undeads.

After look the keep weakening food. All the mutant beasts and undeads immeadiately rush to him wanting to take a bite of his flesh. Xeols gracefully kill few more hundreds of mutants beasts and undeads by himself with almost his stamina and spiritual power.

"Hump! Even I die today I will bring all of you to hell together with me!" Xeols said before forcefully activated forbiden skill that he just discover few years ago to make space explosion in enchange of his lifespan as a fuel. The explosion to turn all the monsters in the explosion range become nothingness.

The last human standing, Xeols the rank 9 space time esper meet the death. He brought along high rank mutant beasts and undeads together with him to death.

In the dark space, Xeols seen all his past in crystal clear. He love one, his mistake, his failure to protect, and his stuborness to changes. He seen all of it.

"If there a second chance, I will change everything with all my might!" Xeols promised to himself before closed his eyes.

'Sob sob sob'

Xeols consciouness was awakened by the crying sound. Xeols immediately opened his eyes widely in bewilderment while looking and hearing where the sound coming from. He takes a while to snap from his bewilderment. As soon he found out what happened to him, two streams of tears flows from his eyes.

"Sure enough, I back to past! My wife and twin daughters yet left me behind because of my abusive character." Xeols muttered in a small voice that only can be heard by himself. He was excited to the core. He also finally has got a chance fulfill his wish.

He immediately jolts from his bed before rushed out from his bedroom. He immediately entered the room where his wife and twin daughters currently sleep in.

As soon as he entered the house, he immeaditely become so happy. The appearance of his family that he misses so much makes what his suffered in previous lifetime worth it.

"Bad father, go away from mommy dearest or Elu and Eli will beat you!" Elu who only 4 years old kid with yellow-haired and blue eyes shouts at him.

Xeols don't know to laugh or cry to his daughter declaration. No matter what, he need asks for forgiveness today so that he can make preparation for future with eased mind.

Xeols take a deep breath before he started to looks both of them with eyes of guilt and he slowly asked forgiveness.

"I am sorry. Lucy, I know that I'm wrong in past. You might take long time for you forgive me. But I need you give a chance to lets me prove it, that I can change for better and make us a happy family." Xeols said in one breath while resolute expression shown vividly on his face.

Lucy look at him in surprised, never she ever thought that her husband will asked for forgiveness. She don't know what to said in reply. Though she grateful for his resolution for wanting to change, there still some pains in her heart that she yet to forget.

"Are bad father will truly become good father. Eli and Elu always wanted happy family. Mommy, bad...father will change right?" Eli, who has a same black hair like Xeols and blue eyes asked with full for expection to her mom.

Xeols was surprised of this daughter of his asking her mother for approval. His daughters seem more fond and protective to their mother. He was jealous in the same time but he know that a rubish father will never get regonise by their own childs.

Xeols was full of regret when he thought about what has his done. But all the feeling disperse when a soft voice heard and melt his heart that full of grieveness into paradise of love.

"Sorry, I cannot give you a immediate forgiveness. Its all depend on your hard work to chance. But I really hope...I hope you will chance." Lucy said while looking at Xeols with her light blue teary eyes.

"Well, I already anticipated this. Stil, can you promised me that you will not leave me. I promised I will never mistreat you and our dauhgters ever again." Xeols said before asked to Lucy with hopeful gazed.

"I, that will depend on you." Lucy said while avoid Xeols's fiery gaze.

"Haha, finally bad daddy lose to mommy charm. Elu and Eli will beat bad daddy if daddy wanted to harm mommy in any ways." Elu said in praud tone while look at Xeols with her childish expresion while waving her small fist.

Xeols was happy when he heard Elu call him daddy although there still 'bad' word before it. Xeols Kneel with one knee before he gave out his pinky promised.

Elu and Eli was surprised of their father action before smiled brightly before both of them take turn to shook Xeols pinky finger.

"Daddy, You asked mommy for pinky promised too. Can you?" Eli said in hopeful for her father while Elu look at her mother in expectation.

"Sure, daddy will." Xeols replied before looked at Lucy.

Lucy immediately rolled her body to other side of bed to avoid Xeols coming for her. She feel so much surprised. Why the man she loved and hates the most turn 180 degree change overnight. It's surreal for her to accept.

"Well, mommy seems still hate daddy. How about daddy will goes downstair to make breakfast first?" Xeols said in persuading tone to his daughter.

"Yeah, daddy make breakfast! I like daddy make breakfast the most." Elu said in excited mood while Eli look at her father with happy expression.

"Em, while daddy make a breakfast, you two should should wake up and change your pajamas with your mom." Xeols told them before going out from their bedroom.

After he went out from the room.Xeols immediately look toward his personal space by closing his left eye. He was shock his space follow reincarnated with him. That why he still felt connection with his space. To his surprised, all the item that he stored inside his space was still inside. He never expected that his personal space will follow him to reincarnated back to the past.

He immediately try his ability to teleport. But, the max range to teleport is only 10 meters. 0.01% of his previous ability power.

The second thing he does is look at the calendar. Sure enough, the date shown is 28 February of year 2025, two weeks before the apocalyse strike.

"Well, I will make a breakfast first." Xeols thought about what his daughters full expectation of his hand made breakfast.

Of course, he takes one of the rank 1 beast core before grinded it to become powder and mix it with milk. The reason he does it because only by doing so, his family immunity system will becomes stronger.

Only the higher immunity system can resist the plague's virus that will be coming to the world. They also will not become suspicious to him. Since the after affect won't become serious when it mix with almost 2 litter of milk. Although he also have undead rank 1 core in his space, he didn't dare to use it. The undeads energy core contain more impurity than beast core. It only can be refine by person who already reach rank 1 esper.

"Breakfast ready!" Xeols shouts to call them to coming down from their room upstair.

Before long the the trio comedown from upstair. Xeols's wife wear a blue blouse in the morning with awkward expression.

Xeols looks at them with mesmerizing gaze. Well it cannot be blame to him that he was dazed. Since he was wishing this moment for very long time that his love one will one day come back to him in previous time.

"Morning, sorry to bother you to make a breakfast. Next time, just let me do it." Lucy said in low tone scared that her husband will become angries toward her.

"It's alright, as long you liked the food I made. Right, quickly eat before we go shopping." Xeols tell them before urged them to eat quickly before they can shopping.

The trio also start eating before their eyes start sparkling while drinking the milk. They start womble down all the food down to their throat and drink the milk just like other people will steal it. Of course, this also including his wife Lucy who forget her husband is looking at them with mused and loving gazed.

Xeols thought about all thing while eating slowly. He current ages is 28 years old and also previous Ceo's only son of Giant king Supermarket. Of course, after his parents died in the air crashed 4 years ago, the company shared that he will inherits got scheme away by his uncle just to became new Ceo of the company. Furtunately, his uncle never try to schemes an inherintance money that his parents leave behind for him.

Athough he got married in 24 years old of ages. The marriage was without consent of his parents. Since the woman he wanted marry is an orphan woman without any background and status, his parents never gave any approvement for their relationship. He also made a runaway marriage to G city after not getting his parents consent. He becomes sad after heard the news of his parents death. The shameless uncle of his also made him maddened even more at that time.

He temper gradually changes and started lashes out his anger toward his wife and babies daughter. Although, they did nothing wrong in anyway. Lucy who 26 years old this year truly suffered by becoming his wife. The twins daughter who 4 year old of ages might be scared of him at that times. That why their never want him got closer to their mother.

"Delicious!!! Father was really great in making breakfast." Elu said in loud childish voice, which makes her father awake from his thought.

"Of course, next time father will always make breakfast." Xeols promised to makes his daughter happy putting a smile while replying to her .

Both of them eat the rest of food excitedly. After that, they started to change cloth to go for shopping spree.