chapter 2. The dual attributes irregular.

The three was surprised at the amount of food that Xeols purchased. Xeols said he will explain to them later after they reach home. Of course, the amount of food still meagre amount compared to the beast meat that he stores inside the space.

After reach home, Xeols explain to them that he can see a future. The world will meet doom in two weeks time. Firstly, they did not believe his word but after Xeols display his storage space ability. By storing all the food into his space both of them shock to dazed.

"Daddy, daddy…will the monster eat us," ask Eli in scared, her eyes become teary.

"Of course not, with daddy here all the monster will scare away. That way, both of you also need to keep daddy secret or daddy will get hunt by bad guy and monster if they know that daddy can see future." Xeols said with a comforting tone.

"Dear, should we store more food then? When the apocalypse comes, there might be a shortage of food right." Lucy told about her concern for their future well being.

[Truly a caring and a good wife. Instead, think about human well being, she more care about a family concern. If an unconcern wife heard about his ability she will ask him to report to the government and become a guinea pig for the experiment. ]Xeols look at his wife with loving gazed while thinking.

"Dear, is there something on me?" Lucy said while touching her own face before blushing to the ears.

"Daddy is charmed by mommy beauty again," Elu said smiling.

"Em, daddy sure easy to charmed today," Eli muttered in a small voice.

"Haha, there nothing. It is…well, I just think about how caring my wife can be. Instead of caring about other people well being, you always care about family." Xeols said in reply to his daughter inquired.

"No, it know that I am an orphan, right? To me, my family is the only precious thing I have in this world. If it okay with you, can you let other people know about it? I mean, you tell the world without make an appearance to the public. Well, especially you don't need to do what I said if you think all I said is improper to our safety." Lucy said with hopeful expectation. She feels sorry for the people who will fall into the tragedy when the apocalypse strike and she also do not want to harm her family. Although, she still hates her husband about how to treat her before he is the only adult that she can depend on.

Xeols do not know to laugh or cry about her concern. First, He thought that she did not care about the rest of humanity. It seems that his wife has a kind heart like an angel but too kind will be a flaw for her. Still, he needs to look at her performance after apocalypse rise before making an immediate consultant.

"Well, about that I will settle it. You don't need to worry about it." Xeols said soft tone.

He needs to change the future and he also needs to create his own base. He also will create an anonymous account and posting about the date of the 'Death Mist' will makes an appearance and how fatal it will cause. He also states how the dead will revive and affected others.

The thing that the list will be mostly about the way of survival and how to avoid themselves from death. He will hide about the esper thing for himself and his future base. Since in the apocalypse, most dangerous thing is non-other than a human who fulls of greed.

"Daddy what should us do know? Should we store more food then? So that we will never lose food. Yeah, we also should call untie Mary to come here right?" Elu said in excited without any fear of the future will lay in front of them.

"Please call Auntie Mary, daddy please," Eli muttered in a small voice only barely enough for her father to heard.

Lucy looks at her husband with teary eyes. Untie Mary is Lucy best friend since forever, who live together since small in an orphanage.

[Mary Scarlett, the dual attributes irregular]Xeols thought after recalled a woman who has a Deep red shoulder-length hair with a bad temper. She also the one who almost beat him to death at the time he yet magnifies his ability. For offensive power, she won Xeols much more. Sadly, rumour said she died after getting betrayed by her own comrade leaving her behind to battling the 6 rank Chimera. Unexpectedly, she wins the battle while being rank 4 espers. But yet again, she got ambushed while she full of injury by her traitorous comrade.

"Lucy, you can try calling her to take a holiday, so that she can live here and she can avoid being affected by the virus. Please handle her properly." Xeols give their expected answer. Although, he a little bit reluctant but Mary Scarlett the dual attributes irregular is a person he needed the most to create a powerful base

The mother and daughters trio was so much happy and Lucy looks him with grateful eyes.

"Dear, thanks," Lucy said to him while nodded her head in appreciation.

"Daddy the best," Elu said in excited mode.

"Thanks, daddy," Eli said in a low voice compare to Elu.

"Don't mind it. Let me cook lunch first." Xeols said while the trio nodded theirs in excited. Since their taste Xeols handmade meal, the mother-daughters trio make a promised to only let Xeols cook a meal for them he asked too.

The meal is very good to compare to the morning breakfast when there is more dish than usual. Unexpectedly the lunch left behind nothing only a bone and unwashed dish on the table.

"Let me help wash the dish." Lucy looks at Xeols embarrassingly before start offers her help.

"Thanks, but it alright." Xeols said before taking all the dish plate to wash. He needs to show how kind he is so that she will love him again like she uses to be.

Lucy pouts her mouth after getting rejected, she feels treated like a worthless, who don't know how to take the responsibility as a wife.

"Daddy mother gets angry," Elu said after she watched her mother pouts her mouth.

"Daddy should let mother washed the dish together," Eli said to get a suggestion.

After hearing what her daughter said, Lucy immediately feels betrayed. She doesn't know to laugh or cry about her daughters backup her in a wrong way.

"There nothing…"As soon as she wants to rebut she got interfered by her husband with a calm and elegant voice make her stop in the middle of the sentence.

"Can you help me to wash the dish together?" Xeols asked with a calm voice. But inside him was full of expectation to come closer to his wife.

"It's alright. You can wash it by yourself." Lucy reply in blushing.

"Oh, okay." Xeols immediately sad after got rejected by his own wife. He knows that she needs a lot of time to overcome her hate toward before she forgives what he has done.

The following days, the mother and daughters trio made at home order for any food and drink. It all because after they knew about Xeols storage space is super large and time is stopped in there.

Xeols only give a wry smile before help their command. Of course, he also orders many weapons as well. Since gun stops working after some of the phenomena is changes in the earth and making a gun powder stop from ignites and unusable, he orders most cold weapons and crossbow.

"All the weapon is ready. Now time for me to training..." Xeols muttered after stored all the weapon and important stuff before he heard loud voices.

"Ding dong" The doorbell rings.

Elu and Eli immediately look at the door security monitor to look who the one rang the bell before they excitedly unlock the door.

"Untie Mary is here! Do my nephews stay a good girl?" Mary makes a surprise appearance toward the duo.

"Woah, auntie Mary you finally come," Elu exclaimed after she meets her untie. She and Eli immediately hugged Mary excitedly.

"Did your bad father bully your mother and you two again? Tell auntie, auntie will beat him." Mary said while raised her right fist full of fiery vigour.

Xeols immediately frown of her choices of word.

He never like belittled be a woman and people levy about his paste doing. Well, he might lose even if he argued with her.

"No more," Eli said to answers Mary question.

"Okay, lets auntie beat…what you just said? Eli cut you no need to scared at your bad father. Untie is super strong you know, no one can defeat me in close combat including your bad father. Tell me, tell me the truth." Mary chooses not to believe what Eli said. All she thought was her duty nephews is too scared talking bad at their father.

[Hmmm, he don't deserve to have this cutie as his daughters] Mary thought secretly in her mind but all her expectation is once again shattered by Elu who has always cheerful and active compare than Eli.