Chapter 3. Showing a skill.

"It's true, daddy becomes a good father after getting charmed by mommy beauty. It's right, Eli." Elu told her to untie before asked Eli to prove her word.

"Em, yes" Eli confirm her sister word.

Mary mouth gape and start walk toward the kitchen where Lucy is currently making juice.

"Mary, you come. Here, drink some juices, you must be thirsty, right." Lucy hand over the juices.

Mary quickly takes the cup of juices before gulp down in one go. As soon as she finished drinks the juice, she looks at Lucy with frown and questioning gaze.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Lucy wondered why her best friend looks her like this, it makes her somewhat uncomfortable.

[Yes, there so many things on your face including how happy you are. It's good, wait…] Mary thought before clear all the messy thought in her head.

"Answer me, did you already make up with that bastard?" Mary inquired her friend with angry gazed.

"Hehe, why you so concern about it?" Lucy chuckled after heard Mary question.

"Hey!!! Of course, you are my best friend, no, we more than it." Mary shout madly before holding Lucy's hand refused to let go.

"I tell you so don't talk nonsense." Lucy's eyes become sharp like eagle eyes.

"What? I mean we like the true sibling who grows old together, right? Oh, well..." Mary exclaimed before a grin appear before she got interfered.

"I not yet fully forgive him, just partially! I still look forward to his performance." Lucy told her desperate friend.

"Good, you should not easily forgive that bastard or he might thinking you a kind of pushy woman. All men are despicable. Okay, how about we go shopping, you knew that it's hard for me to apply for long holidays, right." Mary said before her eyes sparkle and drag Lucy hand toward her before said what she wanted.

"Mary, there is something I need to tell you! " Lucy said in one breath with a loud voice.

Mary was surprised about Lucy who rarely raises her voice to refused her wish, especially for her. She was sad, but become angry.

[That bastard, it's all his fault!] She cursed him in her mind.

"About what?" Mary said while making sad eyes

"It about the future that we will face..." As Lucy continue her word for an explanation.

Mary face keeps changing colour and becomes more contort.

As soon as Lucy end her explanation, Mary runs toward Xeols's room in a rush speed.

"Bang" The door forcefully opened by Mary while Lucy behind her who dragged Mary hand with mouth agape.

As soon as the door opened there a man who has perfect physique and muscles who currently make a hand stands push up. Both of the women feel shame and blushing.

Xeols frown and immediately make a backflip and wear his cloth before turn his head in ninety degrees to look at them. "What you need? If there nothing, please go out." Xeols said in cold voices.

"There, there something I needed you for confirmation." Mary feels cold but she force endured it before recalled all the thing Lucy said while looking Xeols with her fiery eyes.

As soon as Xeols heard all her explanation and what she needed him to proves. Xeols immediately disappear and reappear behind Mary.

Mary's mouth gapes when Xeols disappear from her vision Before she heard Xeols's cold yet elegant voices behind her back.

"It's that enough for you?" Xeols said in calm voices before heading toward the kitchen to have a drink.

Mary immediately turns her head to looks where was Xeols are. "How, how you do that?" Mary asked while a surprised expression is vivid on her face.

Instead of a reply, Xeols just start making lunch as usual. Mary was angry but she comforts herself and looks at Lucy like predator found prey.

"Hehe, I told you." Lucy Shrugged her shoulder while chuckled.

"Tell me more," Mary said to Lucy and they headed to the living room for a long conversation.

As soon as Xeols finished cook the dishes for lunch. He called his wife for help. "Lucy, can you help me bring out the dishes."

"Okay, let me do it" Lucy replied before headed toward the kitchen and help bring out the dishes to be served.

"Elu, Eli. Go wash your hand before have your lunch. You too, go." Xeols told his daughters before looks at Mary and order her.

She pouts her mouth before go washes her hand as an order. Still, she didn't forget looks at Xeols with a curious gaze.

After she eats the food, she feels melting all over her body and her mouth breathes out an air vapour, every time she eats something to her mouth.

"Delicious!"Mary immediately speeds up her eating like a starving ghost.

Of course, after they eat, Xeols the one who washed the dish yet again. Although, he little discontent that his wife closer to Mary, he choose to let it be. Since it takes time to heal his relationship with his wife and he more glad as long he can to be together with his family.

The times passed, the last peaceful day before apocalypse strike has reached. Xeols reveal the news of the apocalypse will strike and the way to handle it in a day before the apocalypse strike. Of course, Xeols also include the plague and the undead incident that will happen by using anonymous account and fake internet protocol address to avoid the trouble.

During Mary stay together with them, she was full of question and what should they do after the apocalypse strike and how to gain an ability like him. Of course, Xeols only told her in a simple way without revealing further information since he needed to take advantage of the future with the information for himself and keep their life for better without any suffering.

Mary, of course, have a big mouth, she told all her colleagues about the apocalypse and of course, none of her colleagues believes her word. She also desperately begged information about what Xeols wanted to do from now. When she heard about Xeols's ambition, she just laughs it off before getting scared after getting intimidated by Xeols aura who glared her with cold gazed, who already reach a peak of rank 1 esper.

"The beautiful the shooting star is the deadly disaster it brings. Tonight is the beginning of the new era. What a hard life but I'll do better this time. " Xeols muttered while looking the rain of shooting star fall to the earth the window mirror in the midnight.

After locking the balcony mirror door, Xeols immediately go to his bedroom to take a rest for the day. He sleeps in the night comfortably without any concern of the disaster of the rain of shooting star will bring tomorrow.

Xeols wake up as usual and looked toward the outside world through the balcony door mirror. Since they live in a small mission with two stories of the house, it's enough for him to looks outside world far enough for him to estimate that the 'Death Mist' has made an appearance.

"Hey, what are you look at?" Mary asked him who currently stand behind him.

"The 'Death Mist' has already made an appearance. Make sure not to open the window or any door that allow the mist coming in if you don't want met death." Xeols said in a serious tone before going toward the kitchen.

"Oh, and don't drink pipe water starting today. It's already polluted by the plague's virus." Xeols stopped his track and told Mary.

Although their immunity has reached a certain level after consuming the food that Xeols made while secretly mix with powder of rank 1 beast core while cooking. Still, they yet reach rank 1 esper since the effectiveness of the beast core is reduced after mixing with other solution.

As usual, Xeols make a breakfast except adding one additional rank 1 beast core to speed up his family and Marry evolution. The reason he needed they reach rank 1 esper is that he needs to find out their ability so that he can guide them through their own path.

"Dear, let's look at the Tv channel of the local news. They a lot of people got sick after inhaled the mist." Lucy called Xeols before told him about the news.

"Em, that why we needed to stay at home for a week for the 'Death Mist' to subside."Xeols tugged out his head to look at the television and told them.

[Though, more problem will rise after this accident] Xeols thought in a second seriously and looked at his daughters and wife before continue making breakfast.

"It's as expected. There no much people saw Xeols's post in the public social media in a short time. Even if they saw it, they won't believe it and only treat it as nonsense. Who will believe that the doomsday will strike, even I will not believe it if I don't witness his supernatural ability with my own eyes." Mary said it. agitated tone.

Although, she repeatedly got called by the friend of her whereabouts and how to treat the sickness. She just blames at herself who had a big mouth without thinking about the consequence. She just said sorry and lying to them how she only know about it and how that person suddenly chats with her in the social media. Of course, she tells them to follow the account named 'God of Vision' in the public social media and strictly do as what in the posted and viral it.

Xeols sneer at her despicable act who put all the blame toward his anonymous account. "Dear, you and Mary should start your own training. Mary, since you are a police inspector, I hope you can start to train Lucy in close combat for self-protection." Xeols told before continue makes a breakfast.

"Daddy, can Eli and I be allowed to training with mommy and auntie Mary?" Elu asked after running into the kitchen while Eli looks toward her father with hopeful gazed.

Xeols looked at his cute daughters with serious eyes while contemplating.