Chapter 4. The black esper.

Xeols looked at his cute daughters with serious eyes while contemplating.

"Just warm up, no excessing it, "Xeols told while giving a smile. Xeols was in little discontent for what his daughters wanted but when he thought about the future who will rely solely on enough power for survival he immediately changes his thought.

[Overly pampering them will be cruel for their future. I need to train them early when they reach rank 1 esper.] Xeols thought while looking at his happy daughters who didn't know how scary the future will be.

Both his daughters do some training that will good to their growth without causing any harm. They took a morning shower before start eating breakfast. Since both of them was full of sweat after the training.

In the evening, Xeols do meditation while holding two ranks 1 undead energy core. He refined and absorbing the energy in an orderly manner with every time he breathes in and out. Xeols's body becomes red and the green veins all over his body are throbbing.

A minute passed, half of an hour passed, an hour passed and two hours passed. Sure enough, soon the two of rank 1 undead energy core become dust. Xeols immediately opened his eyes while a grin appears his face.

[Finally, I the only person who has reached rank 2 espers in this entire world. I will protect my beloved family and create a great empire with my power.] Xeols thought in his mind while his imagination and ambition run wild.

'Tok Tok' a door knocked resound

"Daddy, mommy asked me to ask you, will you make a dinner tonight." Elu voices are sounded from the other side of the door.

"I will. Just give daddy a few minutes to take a shower." Xeols told before went to his own bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Xeols takes a quick look at his little member, who has been long he didn't satisfy it. He immediately shook his head to clear his messy thought.

[Before she can fully forgive me and our relationship mended like it's used to be. I will not force myself into her.] Xeols silently made a promised to himself.

As usual, Xeols make dinner for them and secretly mix two beast energy core to the food after grinding them to powder. As usual, they become excited when eating the delicious food that Xeols's just made.

When the night comes, his room gets barged by Marry. Xeols become more discontent, by its all disappear when he looking at his lovely daughter Eli make the process to breakthrough to becoming rank 1 esper.

"Xeols, please take a look at Eli!" Mary said in a loud voice.

"Dear, please help. You must save Eli, I must not lose her. Please…" Lucy pleading while tears flowed continuously through her reddish eyes.

"lie her on the bed. It's will be alright, you all can be relaxed." Xeols said while helping his wife putting a daughter Eli to the bed.

"Daddy, will Eli really be alright. I am scared, 'sob sob sob' daddy must save Eli" Elu looked at Xeols while crying.

Xeols is a little dissatisfied about their reaction in handling their first problem after the apocalypse struck.

[This is what will be, what people scare the most is not the danger that already known instead of the unknown. That's why information is needed to give an appropriate judgement.] Xeols thought while transfer spiritual energy to his daughter body by touching her heart.

The reason he transfers his spiritual energy is to help guide and speed up the evolution process inside Eli body. After a few minutes, with Xeols's spiritual energy help Eli expression become eased and opened her eyes with wonder. She already becomes a second one whose success reached rank 1 esper.

"Daddy, what happening to me," Eli asked in low voices.

"Congratulation, Eli. You gained power for yourself, just sleep for tonight alright." Xeols smiled while told Eli to sleep.

"But, Eli cannot sleep without mommy. Can mommy sleep here with daddy?" Eli said with teary eyes before asked a favour from Lucy.

Xeols immediately feel like cloud nine when he heard his daughter wish. But it all shattered by simple word from the third wheel person.

"Eli, you mother not fully forgive your daddy yet so they cannot sleep together. How about it, let's auntie lift you up and back our room, alright." Mary said before immediately lift Eli and dazed out from Xeols's room.

Xeols frown while gritted his teeth hard. He truly angry just now, he nearly kills that bitch who destroyed his hope.

"Dear, thanks. I'm very grateful, good night." Lucy said before dragged Elu going out from the room.

"Daddy, thanks. You so powerful, I love you." Elu said in a happy tone after witnessing her father power.

Before Lucy yet close the door, Xeols looked at his wife in a sad expression.

"There no need to pleaded me next time, just tell me will do. I'm the head of this family, if everything happened I will do my best. Good night." Xeols said in a calm voice.

"O…Okay, I will," Lucy said in doubtful before her whole become red.

"Daddy, good night. Bye Bye." Elu said and Lucy closed the door for Xeols.

That night, Xeols was contemplating how long it will take to mend their relationship. He immediately shakes his head before decided to test Eli's power tomorrow. There a way to determine esper power who just recently breakthrough to become rank 1 esper.

After morning sunrise has come, Xeols wake up as usual and make his through the down floor, after the short shower.

Don't think it wrong. All the water that Xeols use is water that comes through the water storage tank. The only unpolluted water left in the house, barely enough for their use less than a few weeks.

"8th of the March 2025 years. Well, six days before the undead make an appearance. Also 'Death Mist' will disappear slowly until it complete disappearance on the surface of the earth." Xeols muttered before making his way to the kitchen.

After the breakfast, Xeols decided the determine the ability about Eli power. He prepares, a cylinder of a glass cup with 3/4 of water inside it.

"Eli, come to daddy." Xeols beckoned Eli and lift her up and sit her up on his heap.

"Hey, what you wanted to do? You just can't casually do that." Mary asked in loud voices.

"Mary, it's okay. Dear, is there something wrong with Eli." Lucy said before asked her husband.

"I just need to determine what power my daughter Eli has after evolved." Xeols said before turning his eyes to look at Eli's eyes.

"What? Eli already evolves, but how?" Lucy asked before she held her daughter hand with a scared expression.

"Daddy, will Eli become stronger like daddy? Elu also wanted power too." Elu asked in hopeful gazed while holding her mother hand.

"Well, of course. Lets daddy identified your sister power first, okay." Xeols said before started to instruct Eli.

Eli put her hand's side by side of the cup without touching it. The water turns to black before she stopped after her father told her to stop.

Xeols immediately give them an explanation about three categories of esper's power information.

The first category, the Elementalist esper. The elemental esper will have the ability to control the nature element. Commonly, water, fire, wind, lightning, earth and more.

The second category, transformation esper. The transformation esper will have the ability to become their personal beast form and enhancing their physical power by many times according to what type of beast they are.

The third and lastly, the black esper, the people in this category is the hardest to determined or identified their power. Some take years to determine their power and some will remain useless till dead. Xeols was categorized in this category.

After creation of the cup and water test by one of a great scientist. The power of esper can easily be determined or identified except the black esper who cannot thoroughly be identified their power.

The first, Elementalist can be identified with water temperature, liquid form and state of water inside the cup. The second, transformation esper will raise the water level in the cup and eventually overflow. Lastly, the black esper will change the colour of the water.

Xeols never gave up in finding out his ability, he only uses common fighting style while honing his skill with his physical stat improvement for every increase of his rank in Esper. Since esper rank can be rise through the help of the energy core. The higher the rank, the greater one spiritual force within oneself.

Only until he near dead experience he found out his ability by teleporting away from the monster that chasing him. That time he already reaches middle power stage of esper. Rank one to rank three espers is a lower power stage of esper, rank four to rank six is middle power stage of esper and rank seven to rank nine espers is higher power stage of esper.

The power of thirds category very soon was categorized by Xeols himself. The fact is, there already some power category like him but they just never revealed themselves or was keep hidden by their own base leader.

Some people said the power of black esper is very unique. Xeols also approve this fact, he knows after fall of a countless number of the base the hidden information that impossible to be revealed to common people was revealed.

Xeols was excited after seen his daughter Eli ability. The water in the cup turn black which have a power of mental and sensing power of esper, the black esper.

[Of course, she will be great just like me. Since she is my daughter.] Xeols was in delight.