
In Chao's room, there were strange noises coming from inside. One second it was quiet and the next there were roaring peels of laughter.

"Look at it! It keeps wiggling its butt!"

"Shh, shh. Wait for it. Dearie, you're so cute!"

After hearing Chao's fawning, the puppy would dance and wriggle about. The two women were teasing the puppy that Furvus had picked up back in chapter 4. An hour later, the puppy was exhausted from all the much dancing, so the two put him to sleep.

A piano played J.S Bach - Prelude in C Major. "It's time for brunch Darling." The woman nodded her head and both changed their outfits. Chao wore a purple jumper that reached her mid thigh. She also had light black and yellow silk wrapped around her waist. The woman wore a long yellow sundress and held black and purple gloves that reached her elbows.

"I hope you don't just introduce me as Darling. I'd like a proper introduction to the dears."

"Would I ever do something like that?" The woman's response was to cast a long side glance meaningfully.

"Ahem. I won't."

"What are you planning Chao? I can only see it vaguely since you've filtered out certain details like always."

Chao looked into the distance and smiled. "Come on," she grabbed the woman's hand. "You must be hungry." What the woman didn't see but felt was the mischievous smirk on Chao's face. She glowed in psychotic happiness. "I'm going to play a little trick is all. All I'm going to do is play some games. Innocent, little games. That's all."

. . .

"My dears, give me a smile on three! THREE!" Automatically, almost everyone started smiling. The people who made up the minority that didn't smile were Gladys, Albus, Luna and Ignis.

Gladys didn't smile because it would mean that Chao was worth smiling for, (he was still being petty since Chao was loud earlier). Albus didn't smile because before arriving, Furvus called her cute which made her embarrassed, and she didn't usually smile much anyway. Luna didn't smile because she was too busy being angry at Chao for no reason. Ignis didn't smile because Marianna told him not to smile in her form and even if she did allow him, he was studying Chao and the woman beside her.

Luna broke the fervor when she noticed the woman next to Chao. "Who is that pretty miss? I hope this woman hasn't harassed you. She doesn't have even a gram of kindness in her."

The woman giggled and strolled over to Luna. "What's your name dear?" Somehow, Luna couldn't deny her so she answered absent-mindedly. "You yourself are quite pretty dear." Leaving behind a blushing Luna, she made her way back to Chao who had already sat down.

"Take a seat everyone! I have someone to introduce!" With sparkling eyes, she started to speak. "This lovely woman is my Darling Serenus. She is my -"

"Almairusk. One out of two of her loves. I am her other love." A man who looked similar to the two women appeared behind them and slung his arms over their shoulders.

"My Inamorato!" shouted both women. Chao dragged his head over to her lips while Serenus clasped her hands over his. "What are you doing here? How long were you spying on us?"

"From when Red occupied Darling's body."

Giddy with excitement, the three forgot about the others sitting at the table. Luckily, Furvus glanced at everyone's faces before turning to Chao. "Lady Chao, who are these two?"

Finally remembering everyone else, she smiled evilly and turned to the man. "You answer. We can catch up later in private." She suggestively winked at him causing Serenus to slap her arm. "Sweetheart! There are children here!" Chao simply shrugged and hugged Serenus tightly while wiggling her eyebrows at the man.

"My name is Neutrum. Chao and Serenus are my soulmates. We share one spirit although we're split into thirds. The word for it is almairusk. We share a split soul and share identical bodies as well. We aren't related by blood since we technically weren't made with DNA and we're technically immortal."

Nubis interrupted, "Hold on, what do you mean by "technically immortal"? You either are or you aren't. I don't believe there is an in-between."

Everyone felt a shift in the air. Chao's eyes became bloodthirsty, Serenus became sorrowful, and Neutrum switched from a lazy snake to an indifferent cat. Nonetheless, before anyone felt the full extent of their raging emotions, they returned to normal. This time, Serenus answered.

"Our souls live forever while our bodies constantly perish. It's unlike the rebirth that mortals experience. They forget the memories of their past lives and don't have anything to bog them down or give an advantage. They restart with a clean slate. We, however, remember every single past. We remember whatever experiences we've gained whether they are pleasant or not. As a result of this -"

Chao cut in sarcastically, "To prevent us from "overloading" we mostly die before we can reach our 40s."

Ventus asked, "How long have you lived for then? How long have you known each other?"

Chao replied, "Since the beginnings of the original world. That puts us at around 3 million years old since this world is relatively young. Serenus and I were made 2-3 years after Neutrum to replace him."

Luna put up her right hand while the other held her forehead and signalled. "Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." She then downed a glass of ice water and massaged her forehead. As she did this, Noctis shook his head as he knew what was to come.

"So you're telling us that you all are over billions and trillions of years old?"

The three nodded.

She continued on. "Well, no one can say that they need an adult when you're around. But at the same time, you've all died young countless times. Does liking someone in this life make you pedophiles? But you're also technically young as well. Right?"

Noctis chimed in snickering at his older sister. "I don't think you should think about this."

"Why? These are legitimate concerns."

"If you try to think anymore, I'll explode with laughter, they'll swell with pity, and your brain will collapse."

She paused as if lagging. "...what?"

Inrigo shouted, "He just called you a stupidhead!"