Creation of the Ten Tails

"Get back here you little bastard!"

Noctis laughed as Luna chased him around the cafeteria. "If I'm a bastard, then so are you!"

"ARRGH! Get back here and let me beat you! I'll steal everything you've collected 'till now!"

Neutrum shrugged at this and sat between Serenus and Chao. "Do you have any sweets for me?"

"Have some of this. It's very good." Serenus served a caramel custard pudding while she lifted a spoon to his lips.

"Thank you Darling." Just as he was about to cover the spoon with his mouth, Chao devoured it. "Mmm! So good! Inamorato, you don't mind me stealing a bite of your pudding do you?"

His eyes dimmed and he swept his frosty glance over her. "I do mind actually. Compensate me later."

"Sir Neutrum you're such a pervert!" A young man squealed. Luna turned to him and her eyes glowed. A pair of twins walked in.

"Introduce me to the eye candy Inamorato." When Chao said this, both Serenus and Neutrum became calloused. "Chao, Sweetheart, if you talk like that again, I may really have to get mad." Ventus, Tellus, and Inrigo shivered when they saw how dead Serenus looked. Nubis and Caligo on the other hand, began to sparkle.

"Don't forget that you're a part of me Chao. Don't trigger the you in me," warned Neutrum as he rubbed Serenus' back.

"The one with shorter hair is Meteorum. The one with the longer hair is his brother Cometes." He didn't speak any further and continued to eat.

"That's all you're going to say?"

Neutrum didn't reply to Meteorum causing him to pout and come up with an ultimatum. "If you don't introduce us properly, I'll ban you from reading Cometes' stories."

No reaction besides a small shift. Cometes wrote some really nice books, but at the same time, it's too much work to speak.

"I won't let you look at my art."

Neutrum looked at him in disdain. The only art piece he truly admired were the paintings Meteorum made based on Neutrum's stories of the past.

"I didn't want to use this, but you've left me no choice. I'll tell the two of them about that incident."

"You're all bark and no bite. Why would I care about something I have no idea about? A rascal like you only knows how to hide behind your brother."

Meteorum smiled evilly, 'I'll remember what you've said. For now, let's make you sweat a bit.' "To jog your memory, we were supposed to be chasing a comet to get some materials when -"

"ENOUGH! I get it. Give me your notes." Meteorum smirked triumphantly missing Neutrum's lack of passion on his face.

'He did it on purpose to let him feel smug before he strikes him back down.' thought Ignis.

"Ahem. This young man here with his short, luscious, jet-black hair is the handsome Meteorum. He is 15 years old and looking for the woman whom he'll spend the rest of his life with. His skin glows with the radiance of a meteor racing across space." Neutrum then put down the index card before speaking, "I personally do not find a human with skin that has a greyish tint to be radiant much less healthy. He is single, but he isn't looking for love because he's busy beautifying himself."

"Stahp itt!" whined the whiny child. "At least introduce my bro properly."

"Just because I don't take a rascal like you seriously doesn't mean it will be the same for your brother. The young man to the right is Cometes. He's much more scholarly than the toddler. He keeps his hair at collar length for this reason and also wears fake glasses. The two of them have been following me for a year. I brought them here so they can attend Darling's school."

"You had the same thought as well Inamorato?" asked Serenus.

"What do you mean Sweetheart? Are you bringing him here too?"


"Where is he then?"

"I had him make some preparations first. I'm going to merge my people with yours."

Neutrum cut in, "Change the building design. We're all going to be here after all."

Chao nodded and turned to Serenus. "When I give the signal, the building will be transported here."

"I'll take everyone to a seperate place." offered Neutrum. "I trust you two to pick the best building to suit our needs."

They both nodded and with Serenus' snap of her fingers, everything changed.

. . .

In Neutrum's group, the boy who had given Zephyr her bag showed up.

"Lady Serenus, I think we should have a 3 second grace period before actually moving. I was just making my sandwich." He mumbled and complained only to find Neutrum's handsome face.

"Ah heck! What the heck! Were you secretly a man all along?"

"You must be the one who those two were referring to. I see you've made a bond with Darling. I'm Neutrum, Serenus' other almairusk."

The boy gave an enlightened look and straightened himself. "My name is Solis. Serenus named me after my appearance. She said I was like a little sun."

Noctis walked up to Neutrum and asked for is group. "What are these bonds that you spoke of?" Ignis had turned to the group and notified Marianna about the q & a. She quickly abandoned Lawrence and gave him some work.

Neutrum spoke despite the additional eyes on him. "A bond is a connection to the almairusks. There are five levels total. In order from weakest to strongest, there's the vein to vein, heart to vein, heart to heart, saliva to saliva, and brain to brain. Those four over there have a sTs bond with Chao. Solis has a hTh bond with Serenus and my boys have a hTh bond with me. Chao started her school so that the bond holders could learn to control the powers granted to them. You babies will probably start with the vTv bond."

"Why are there levels?" asked Ventus.

"If we gave you too much at once, you'd explode." Neutrum replied lazily before waving his hand. "I answered you. Go away now. I want to nap."

Meteorum stuck his tongue out at his retreating back before ushering the group of kids to an empty spot.

"Those three are reckless in their own rights. We owe them our lives. How should we repay them?"

"Easy," said Solis. "We just need to become their weapons."

"That's easier said than done." retorted Inrigo.

"We're going to school to gain control over our power, right?" asked Caligo.

"Yes." answered Nubis.

Cometes, who hadn't spoken one word parted his lips. "It's not a matter of difficulty. We just have to do it. I refuse to present myself as a child who's incapable of helping at all."

"Well said, bro. So, who's becoming a tail?"

"What are you talking about?" Luna cast a dumbfounded look at Meteorum. Her brother shook his head and turned her to face him. "Those three are like a literal beast and we're their followers. We aren't their grunts though. We'll be deadly accessories. That's why we're their tails."

"That's right. Is there anyone who doesn't agree with the plan?" Looking over the 9 other children, Solis nod his head in approval when he was met with determined eyes. "It's unanimous then. Today is the birth of the Ten Tails."

Each child simply thought of him or herself as a small part in the bigger picture, but little did they know that the three almairusk's plans in the grand scheme of things placed them at the level of the heavens.