New Farm and New Abilities

Fang eagerly awaited the opening of the box.

Immediately, a small yellow scroll with green script floated out. Hovering in the air for a moment, it spun slowly. Then it shot into Fang's mind.

His face fell. So... another useless battle skill... how pitiful...

[King of the Birds and Beasts Technique Acquired]

Fang frowned.

'What is this?'

[This is a technique that allows you to establish relationships with the birds and beasts of the forests. It also helps you to subdue them if necessary through a powerful and primal aura. In addition, it increases your earth and nature affinity as well as your healing skills]

Fang frowned. This... was pathetic...

"I saved an entire country from civil war!!!" he cried.

The system was silent.

"This is all I get?" he questioned.

'Would you like me to take it away?' the system asked him telepathically.

'No! I'll take it!' he cried mentally.

The expression on his face was extremely odd as if he was struggling fiercely to rein in his curses and abuses towards the system. As life had taught him, abusing systems NEVER went well.

Sighing, he accepted the scroll. At least he could talk to the birds and beasts, although he didn't see how it could ever help him.

Continuing to trudge onwards, he pushed forward on the dirt path. Step after step, he repeated the same routine until he entered a mindless trance.

Shaking himself free from that state, Fang sat down for a break.


Fang startled, looking around for the source of the noise. A small, yellow bird fluttered down and sat next to him.

"These freaking humans, I swear! Messing everything up, especially in this economy! The workers, that is, the animals should rise up against this oppression!" it cried.

Fang stared at the bird. Shaking his head, he continued to stare. The bird looked at him and tilted its head.

"Well what do we have here... some kind of pervert? I'll have you know that bestiality is illegal amongst your race!" it warbled.

Fang nearly spit out blood.

'This bird...,' he thought.

'The sad part is not what it is speaking, but that humans enjoy this kind of thing: they enjoy listening to the birds tell them to go kill themselves and call it music!' he thought miserably.

Turning his attention to the bird, he took a deep breath.

"Hey," he spoke.

The bird leaped backward, shocked at this human talking to it. Screaming in fear, it flapped it's wings furiously and flapped away as fast as it could.

"PERVERT!" it screamed.

"HEY! STOP --- NO--- HEY!" Fang protested to no avail.

His expression was ugly as he continued his trek onwards. Suddenly he tripped over something.

Stumbling, he fell forward. With the lithe and nimble grace of a panther, he regained his footing.

"Hey! Can't you see that I'm here!" a tiny voice squeaked at him.

Fang turned downwards to find a small turtle yelling at him.

"Apologies. I didn't see you there," he apologized and continued on his way.

The tortoise grumbled something about blind people and continued it's slow trek.

Fang turned around and continued his walk. He trudged forward, waiting for a chance to talk to some other animals.

Every time he saw an animal, he would greet it politely and continue on his way. After frightening several different animals out of their very minds, they eventually got used to the spectacle.

Fang continued down the dirt road. Walking for several hours, he eventually saw a fork coming up. Frowning he continued. He arrived at the fork in the road, unsure of where to go.

Sighing, he picked up a stick. Throwing it in the air, he watched as the stick landed on the right side of the path.

"Hmmm... protagonist's have good bad luck meaning that they have good luck, but are always thrust into bad situations for that good luck. If I want to avoid that, I'll go the other way. Left it is!" he spoke.

And with that he marched off in the left direction, unaware of the massive turn his life was about to take.

Walking along the path had bored Fang's mind quite a bit. After all, no one would like a journey that was several hours long and with no scenery! Sure he could have run there, but he didn't feel like doing so as he wished to behave as normal as the situation allowed: at this point he had plenty of time to spare.

Trudging along, he arrived at the base of a mountain. It was a large and snow-capped place, with lush green plants growing along the top.

Smiling, Fang stopped.

"Well. This is opportune! I've been wanting a new hideout for quite a long time now...," he smiled.

Grinning, he began to climb the mountain. In several fierce leaps, he arrived at the peak, a cold and bitter place where the wind froze one's very heart. Sighing he went down the mountains.

Flexing his palm, he began shifting the earth. This was going to be a mountain farm! And he would finally get to live a peaceful and secluded life! There was nothing more he could ask for!


Fang frowned. Animals? Again? He turned around to find a small crimson sparrow. It was redder than flame and exuded a kingly aura. However, it was smaller than Fang's hand and had a small golden beak. It's eyes were bottomless and unfathomable pits that contained all the darkness in the world. It had small golden talons that it used to grip the rocky spike it was sitting on.

"HI! Are you moving in?" it chirped.

Fang stood there, dumbfounded. Was this his new landlord?

"Hi! I've been looking for a new home too! Do you mind if we share?" it chirped again.

Fang sighed and nodded assent.

"Thanks! This is going to be a blast!" it cried.

Fang frowned again. Looking at the bird more carefully, he noticed golden swirls on it's feathers, which shone with a luster not even found in the sun.

"Who-- what are you exactly?" he asked.

"Me? Oh I'm a Vermillion Sparrow! The only one in this world actually!" it chirped.

Fang nearly fell over and spit blood in shock. His peaceful life was interrupted again... he began to cry internally.

His new roommate... was one of the heavenly existences in the continent: the Vermillion Sparrow... his life was so very miserable...