Living Arrangements

Fang regained his sense as the bird stared at him. He looked back at the bird, muttering about the unfairness of life. Sighing, he just accepted the turn of events.

"So... Lord Vermillion Sparrow... how do you think we should do things?" he spoke.

The scarlet colored sparrow squinted quizzically.

"I don't know. However you want to do things is fine by me as long as there is enough food," it chirped back.

Fang's face twitched. Was this really how a mythical existence should be?

Bowing low, he agreed to the requests made.

"Very well. I plan to farm here anyway, so I shall allow you to take part in the harvest and the subsequent feast. In return just help me to plant some food and make sure critters don't get in here. If you want, we can sign a soul contract," Fang spoke.

The bird appeared to consider his proposal. Nodding, it assented.

"That's perfect! Here!" it chirped again.

Immediately a scroll of fire formed in Fang's mind.

[Do you wish to establish a Mutual Contract with the Vermillion Sparrow?]

'Yes,' Fang agreed.

[Done. Alliance formed]

Fang breathed a sigh of relief as the overbearing contract disappeared.

"So it's done! Now let's get to work!" the bird chirped.

Fang sighed. Nodding, he began making wave-like movements with his hands. The very earth shifted beneath his feet as the mountain was reformed.

A simple wooden house slowly constructed itself from strong and fortified wood. It was made from a special type of refined mountain wood that was stronger than metal and more durable during storms.

The very ground shifted to reveal large rows of fresh soil, in long lines, stretching into a large plot. A small river ran through the cracks in the rock before turning into a waterfall. The picturesque scene was idyllic and peaceful as Fang continued his reshaping of the land.

The birds and beasts began to sing in a joyous song as their homeland was transformed into something with far greater splendor than they could have ever imagined. The sparrow chirped the loudest and it's warbling voice rose above the others, the king of the birds.

Fang slowed down, eventually stopping his movement. Stretching his arms, he stood up.

"That should be alright, my lord sparrow?" he asked.

The sparrow nodded, it's eyes shining brightly. It flew over the verdant forest and admired the lush flora and fauna. Flying back to Fang, it perched itself on his shoulder.

Fang smiled and nodded at the bird.

"By the way, what should I address you as?" he asked.

The bird thought for a while.

"Just call me Suzume!" it replied.

Fang stopped and shook his head for a minute before continuing. This was... really breaking all the stereotypes of mythical creatures.

Taking out his seeds and his hoe, he began to farm and cultivate.

"When you cultivate nature, you cultivate yourself. When you improve the land, you improve your soul. You are tied to the land in a way that cannot be explained and only felt," he spoke, observing the feeling of his Philospher's Cultivation.

Suzume stared at him, digesting his words. Interesting... our destinies are tied to the land... very interesting.

Fang began to plant the seeds and smiled. This was the life he wanted to live. This peace and serenity was the greatest boon that nature could give. He was free to do as he wished, free to roam amongst the birds, the beasts, and the skies. He was not chained by the social constructs of the society in which he was born and raised. Finally shedding the mantle of civilization, Fang accepted his new status as a cultivator of nature. He smiled and reveled in it's glory.

"I am free to run like the river with it's bubbly and vibrant laugh,"

"I am free to tower over the others in mind and power as do the tall trees, reaching for the skies,"

"I am free to live my own life under the skies and the watchful eyes of heaven,"

"I am free to do what I wish, when I wish, based on my intentions and my desires,"

"It is now that I am truly free to roam, free to feel, free to love, free to sleep, free to thrive, free to live,"

And with a smile, he continued to plant the seeds that would eventually comprise his entire magnificent garden, growing in a wonderfully vibrant display. Smiling, he and the sparrow finished planting the seeds and walked back inside as the clouds gathered behind them and rained, filling the air with the smell of petrichor.