The Vermillion Sparrow

Fang woke up to a shining sun with no trace of the previous clouds. Stretching his arms, he got out of bed. Using water to wash his face and body, he went outside.

Immediately, the soft and fragrant smell of flowers drifted over to assault his nose with their delicate tendrils of scent.

Fang opened his sleepy eyes and gaped in shock.

Beautiful scenery surrounded him as the lonely mountain came alive with the gentle rustling of hundreds of beautiful flowers. Blooming petals of red, blue, green, yellow, and many more flowers floated in the wind. Their stems were long and sturdy, reaching out from the moist soil with the vitality of a living and breathing human. They pulsated with spiritual energy and gave off a gentle radiance.

Fang stared at the vast garden that seemed to cover the entire side of the mountain. Shaking his head, he brought himself back to his senses.

"Well... how... what?" he stammered.

[Congralutations! The host has acquired a legendary spiritual mountain and claimed ownership over it. This increases the spiritual energy that these plants have to grow in as well as their rate of growth. The mountain is a vast store of spiritual energy and it continually generates earth and natural energy within its core, providing for the vitality of all the living things on it]

Fang smiled in exultation at this amazing discovery.

"Amazing... so this mountain was really special...,"

Chirping filled the air as a scarlet bird swooped around joyously. It wove through the air in complicated aerial maneuvers. Sweeping downwards, it headed for Fang and landed on his shoulder.

"Fang! Look! Flowers!" it cried.

Fang smiled. So this was why Suzume wished to stay in this mountain: the spiritual energy here was much thicker and much purer than ordinary energy and it would nourish the sparrow greatly. Smiling, he thanked the heavens for bestowing this massive present upon him.

Walking amongst the garden, Fang stroked the flowers.

"Ah... these petals are so smooth!" he exclaimed as he stroked the fallen petals.

[Petals can be used for potions or cultivation]

A voice sounded in his head, reminding him of the use of the petals.

"Suzume! Collect all the petals and put them in the storage!" he commanded.

"OK!" the sparrow chirped.

Flapping its wings furiously, it zoomed about, a tiny speck of flame. Picking up petals with its beak, it transported them to the storage area within seconds. Fang smiled. He rather liked having a mythical existence help him with his farming: it made things twice as efficient!

The sparrow fluttered back to Fang. Chirping, it jumped around in joy at this massive farm. Fang enjoyed its antics and the two passed some time together, amongst the beautiful flowers.

Suddenly, the sparrow became tense.

"What's wrong?" Fang asked.

Suzume hesitated.

"If we have such a good farm, won't people steal from us?" it spoke.

Fang slapped his head. Of course! He had forgotten to put up the shield. Cursing himself, he began activating his cultivation. Energy flowed everywhere as a massive green bubbled floated up and expanded to cover the entire mountain.

It shimmered in the morning sun and then became transparent and disappeared.

Fang frowned. One could still be more careful. Waving his arms again, he cast an illusion over the mountain. Clouds of mist covered the peak and obscured the flowers from view. It appeared to be a heavenly paradise that was obscured by cold and flowing mist that would block any shred of a glimpse of this heavenly abode.

"Perfect!" he spoke.

Suzume nodded and chirped again. Its fears and doubts were addressed, making it quite happy to resume its carefree behavior. Chirping and warbling again, it fluttered about in random patterns, flying from one flower to the next as if it were looking for something.

The duo passed through the massive garden, relaxing once more. They had dealt with the most important issues and thus were content to relax and pass the time.

The two walked amongst the flowers, feeling the petals, stroking the stems of the plants, and generally having a good time.


There was a small growl from the bushes as the duo stopped in their tracks. Turning around swiftly, they silently approached the source of the noise.

"Shhhh," Fang spoke.

Suzume nodded. It became deathly still, not moving a single feather.

Fang slowly approached the bush. Reaching forward, he jumped into the bushes.

"AHA!" he yelled.

A small, white tiger cub lay of the ground. It mewled and smiled placatingly. Flashing its silvery fangs at the duo, it rolled around on the ground.

Fang stood speechless, staring at the animal. Suzume chirped and flew over to the tiger cub.

"Hey! Fang! I know him!" it chirped.

Fang stared at the bird with a questioning look.

"It's the White Tiger King!" it chirped cheerfully.