Spirit of the Silver Flute

Fang rushed home carrying the black package in his arms. Flying as fast as he could, he zoomed through the door of his wooden house.

Breathless, he tossed the package on the table and sat down. Frowning he stared at this mysterious object.

Sighing, he released his aura into to the package, attempting to test out whether the object was harmful or malicious. Satisfied with his testing and confirming that it was not harmful, he slowly opened the wrapping.

A glowing silver flute lay on the table. It was made of a silvery metal of unknown origin. Ornately crafted swirls adorned the slim instrument and a cold chill blew threw the room in it's presence.

Fang frowned.

'Hmm... this... fills me with a sense of dread...' he thought to himself.

Staring at the flute, he pondered for a while. Sighing he got up.

'Nope. Obvious trap. I'm not gonna fall into that... That is obviously an adventure...'

Wrapping the flute back up, he pulled subconsciously with his other hand, summoning a shelf. Putting the package on the wooden shelf, he clapped his hands and went back outside.

The flute began to hum gently and raised into the air. Humming again, it fell back down.

Fang lay amongst the blood red petals, which gently tumbling along in the wind. Smiling contently, he closed his eyes and took in his surroundings. An almost imperceptible chirping cut through the air.

A ghostly moan whispered in Fang's ear as his eyes shot open.

Frowning, he got up.


'Ugh... fine,'

Walking back inside, he walked over to the flute. Staring at it, he stretched out his hand. As his fingers got closer to the flute, it began to hum rapidly. Fang frowned and touched the flute.

Immediately a silvery presence exploded outwards from the flute.

"WELCOME YOUNG CULTIVATOR! YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO---- ahhh.... you already have a system?" a tall figure dressed in silver spoke.

Fang nearly tumbled over.

'Is everything a system nowadays?'

The figure in front of him was tall and imposing with a sense of dignified grace. She was dressed in silver robes and had her hands folded, an imperial aura emanating from her very being.

Fang stared back at her and sighed. Taking his hand off the flute, he took a deep breath.

Sucking in rapidly, an enormous gale rushed towards him. It was as if a vortex had formed and it was sucking in everything that was in front of him.

The lady in white looked shocked as silvery essence left her body and entered Fang. Entering Fang's chest, it made a revolution thrice before being absorbed into his chest. The continuous stream of silvery essence vanished and Fang was left staring at the ghost of the flute.

"What... what happened?" the ghost asked in a daze.

Fang frowned.

'System, don't the systems I consume get absorbed?' he thought.

[This is a special case]

[The system had attached itself to this particular spirit]

[You've eaten the system and not the spirit]

'I see... so what do I do with the spirit' he asked.

The system remained silent.

"HEY! YOU! WHERE AM I?" the spirit roared in anger.

Fang frowned. This was going to be very troublesome to deal with. Sighing, he began to speak.

"You were taken over by a system which controlled you, mind, body and soul. Now you are nothing but the merest shadow of yourself, bound to that flute which you see," Fang spoke bluntly, gesturing to the flute.

The imperial ghost looked behind her, shocked to find a flute that was seemingly tethered to her very existence. Tugging, she found that she could not escape the shackles of the flute. Roaring, she struggled to free herself.

Fang frowned.

"Hey... you can't break free, you know?" he spoke, tentatively not knowing how the spirit would take it.

Growling angrily, she tugged at the flute. Fang sighed.

'System, is there any way to break that seal?' he asked.

[Yes. There are two methods]

'Which are?'

[The first method relies on breaking her free from the flute, leaving her to roam. This can damage her soul and make it unstable]

[The second method involved destroying the flute and creating a new vessel for her to stay in]

Fang frowned.

'Alright... we'll go with the second method, then,'

[Agreed. Calculating resources necessity]

[This is going to be an expensive venture]

Fang frowned. Sighing he nodded. A glowing contract took form within his mind. Fang pushed his energy into it and it formed within his hands, which were folded behind his back. Smiling he stepped forward.

"Hey!" he yelled.

The spirit looked at him.

"I can free you," he spoke.

The spirit smiled.

"Wonderful! Do it now and you shall have my gratitude!" she spoke.

Fang smiled awkwardly.

"Well, the thing is um... is there anything more... substantial that you could provide?" he spoke, twiddling his thumbs.

The spirit's face blackened. This human... wanted a bribe!

Sighing, she nodded.

"Fine! Free me and we shall discuss terms!" she spoke.

Fang shook his head in refusal.

"No can do! You're a ghost and I need to have a guarantee! What's to stop you from leaving the house when free?" he replied.

The spirit cursed. Her plan had been seen through within seconds.

Fang smiled.

"It's okay. Just put your spiritual energy into this contract and I'll free you!" he spoke, calmly.

The spirit nearly tripped. THIS was his method of getting her to obey? It was just a mere human's contract!?!?

Smiling to herself, she nodded. Injecting spiritual energy into the document, she assured herself that as soon as she was free, she'd leave.

Fang smiled evilly. How interesting.

Waving his hands, he summoned a lump of clay. Slowly it began to take form, until an orb formed. Adding four tentacles, Fang smoothened out the clay. Smiling, he turned towards the ghost.

Raising his hand, he threw it downwards, into the flute. With a crack, the flute split in two and the spirit was ejected from it. Screaming, she fled to the nearest object... the clay figure.

Fang smiled. Perfect.