
"What...," the spirit spoke, disoriented at this rapid change of living space.

Glaring around, it stared at it's surroundings. Everything was the same as before, but it was from a different angle. Something seemed off.

The spirit moved it's new body and looked around. There it was. The hateful flute! It lay in shattered silver pieces, strewn upon the shelf.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the spirit laughed at it's hateful captor.




Fang stared at the blob of clay, shocked at it's streaming barrage of creative and unique curses against the flute and it's system.

"You pathetic piece of trash! You flea-bitten, worm-infested, pus-oozing slime ball! HAHA! I prevail!" the blob of clay screamed.

Fang frowned. This was... pathetic. Sighing, he cleared his throat.

The clay blob turned to "look" at him. Rather it just spun around to create some semblance of paying attention to his words.

"Ah yes... human," it spoke.

Fang merely smiled slightly and nodded. The spirit within frowned.

"Unfortunately, you will not be receiving a gift. That's because I am going to possess you and use your body for---- AGHHH!!" the spirit screamed.

Screaming in pain, the clay blob wobbled and collapsed to the floor. Fang smiled and snapped his fingers again and the blob stopped wobbling.

Panting with relief from the pain, the spirit slowly floated back up.

"What... did you... do to me?" it groaned.

Fang smiled.

"It's all in the contract!" he spoke.

The spirit frowned.

"What?" it spoke.

Fang smiled again and conjured up the contract.

"As it says here," he spoke, pointing to the second line of the contract.

"This portion says that we now have a master and servant relationship. You are bound to obey my every word and I can literally do anything I want with you," he spoke.

The spirit paled.

'Whatever he wants...?' it thought.

A chill came over it's clay body and it shuddered in disgust.

"But how? That was a human contract! It's just a piece of paper! It has no power over me!" the spirit screamed.

Fang simply smiled again.

"This is no ordinary contract. No no no... this is a spiritual contract," he spoke.

"It binds you by spiritual energy and takes you specific energy wavelength, to force you to obey such a contract," he spoke.

The spirit was shocked, although it's blank clay face did not reveal any trace of emotion.

"In addition, this contract prevents you from harming me knowingly and unknowingly, directly and indirectly. In addition, there are various punishments for not completing your tasks,"

The spirit screamed internally, burning with humiliation.

"How dare you!" it screamed out loud.

Fang smiled mirthlessly and raised a finger, wracking the spirit's body with pain.

"As I recall, you were planning to possess me and kill me, were you not? This is simply just self-defense as I don't have any exorcists on the mountain," he spoke.

The spirit screamed internally again. What kind of logic was this?!? Wasn't there an exorcist in the village below? Couldn't you have gone there instead of subjecting me to this cruel and unusual punishment?

"Now now. I'm not a cruel person. So I've decided that you will spend the week working on your form and shape manipulation. Once you have master changing shape, come back to me and we'll decide what to do next," he spoke.

The spirit howled in misery.

Fang flicked his finger and the orb went floating outside to practice it's shapeshifting.

Smiling, he sat down and pulled out a teacup. Summoning fresh water, he pulled some tea leaves from a nearby plant and added them to the floating ball of river water. Heating it up, he directed the tea into the teacup and watched it steam in the cold mountain air.

Picking up the teacup, he drank the tea slowly, enjoying the bitterly sweet taste of the leaves. They came from a unique tea plant that could only be grown in the mountain regions where the elves lived.

Smiling, he enjoyed his tea.

'I really need to visit this mountain. Their tea is exceptionally good,' he thought to himself.

Drinking his tea, Fang remained in contemplation of the world. Gazing out at his farm, Fang thought to himself.

'It would be nice to have some workers to till these fields for me. Plus it's no fun tilling all these fields alone!'

'Isn't there some overpowered way to harvest things?'

[There is]

Fang was nearly given a heart attack by the unexpected notification.

'There is?'


'What is it?'

[I can only tell you if you complete a quest]


''re just a typical system...'


[Fine. I'll give you the Golem Method. Use it and then leave the mountain and go do something. Staying up here all day is boring anyway]

'... fine...'

Fang frowned. What was with all these systems and their quests?

Could they not simply do them by themselves if they so wished?

'Why do I need to go out anyway?' he thought.

[I need you to consume more systems]


[It's a lifeblood of sorts for me]

'Other systems? Isn't that cannibalism?'



'That's what it sounds like...'

[It's not]

'Are you sure?'

[Yes, I'm sure]

'Really? How would you even know if it was cannibalism or not?'


Fang nearly fell over with the exclamation from the system.

'Wow... I guess you can get angry...,'


[Just do it. Do what you are told. Leave this mountain and go absorb systems]

'...fine! But I won't do it now! And also, what if I lure people with systems to my mountain?'


[That's ethically dubious, but it works as well]

[Just get me systems]

'You sound more and more like a drug addict, you know?'

[Shut up]

'Are you sure you're not a cannibal?'


Shaking his head, Fang got up and put away his teacup and other related utensils. Sighing, he went inside and entered the training room. It was empty as the spirit was in the fields, practicing it's shapeshifting.

Sighing, Fang sat down.

'I should stop sighing. I sound like I'm depressed...,'

A notification popped up in his head.

[Golem Creation Manual Ready]

'Yeah, yeah, do it already... but make it faster,'

[Agreed. Beginning assimilation]

A lightning fast jolt of pain ran through Fang's head and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

'Not this again...,'