Chapter 69 - Annitte

I nodded to my big sister as I began to lead her back to my group of wives. Little of the plans I needed to enact had changed, but I had a bit more leeway in some of them after the discussion with her. Also I now knew I wasn't likely to receive aid from the havens, though to be honest I had never been considering it.

However as we walked her final words sank it. "Wait!" I said stopping in my tracks and looking at Annitte a bit shocked and, I wasn't sure what else. "You were watching me with my wives?" I asked.

Annitte nodded. "You bet." she replied with a mischievous grin. "Thought about recording some of it too." she admitted. "Don't worry I didn't." she reassured me when I started to get angry.

That didn't really mollify me. I had gotten used to being watched, but the only ones who were watching were my wives who were recovering from their turn, or the ones waiting for their turn, and depending on the wife, they might be busy toying with each other. Not all of my wives were into that kind of thing. Most of the human women seemed at least partly willing, though only Karen and Megan really seemed eager about it. Mary and Emy were definitely into it, and surprisingly none of my beast girls were. Nala and Dena would let Megan drag them into it, but I had a feeling it was to appease the head wife and not because they were interested in it themselves. Though I admit it was hard to tell when Megan and Karen had the pair screeching and shoving their faces into their crotches.

Not that I complained. As much as I enjoyed the group sex and how it allowed me to give more of my wifes the services they desired. I really wanted some one on one time with each of them. My relationship with all of them was new and I wanted to get to know each of them better, especially their own desires for our intimacies.

What I did not want was a peeper watching over all of it. Most of my women were shy and if they found out my sister was watching us they wouldn't be pleased. Hell I wasn't pleased. Then again if she was anyone else but my sister, or my mother, I would probably use this as a good excuse to pull her into my group. As she was my sister, my blood related sister I amended, that was not possible or even something I was interested in. As with the situation with Kelly and Momma, there were a few lines I wasn't willing to cross no matter my level of horiness. Rebecca and Megan were as close to a mother and sister I was willing to sleep with.

"Don't be so angry, it's not like you lost anything." Annitte replied.

"Privacy and the trust from my wives when they find out about it." I replied to her deadpan.

Annitte flinched then sighed, "Why is everyone so prudish?!" she complained.

I looked at her wondering if she was serious.

"Don't look at me like that, I have needs too." she replied hot temperedly.

"I refuse to believe that peeping on your little brother's sex life has anything for your needs." I retorted.

Annitte chuckled. "No, not really. Even though I never grew up with you like most siblings it still feels a bit gross." she admitted. "But your wives however." she said with a cheeky grin, "They are all tasty morsels. I will behave though, as long as you don't mind me having a bit of fun with a few of the men around here." she told me getting to the heart of the issue.

"As long as you don't cause any trouble." I told her giving her a stern look. "I don't really want to know anything about your intimate unless I have too." I told her.

Annitte smiled at me a wolfish grin if I had ever seen one. I almost pitied the men I was unleashing her onto, but I had a feeling none of them would complain, until she moved on. I wanted to ask about those husbands she had talked about before but decided I didn't want to know. It might be important later, but there was already to much on my plate.

When we reached my group of wives I found Jamie and Jessica giving me nervous shy glances. I smiled at the pair of sisters, took a moment to hug each then let them know we could talk a bit later.

"Megan where is the void girl?" I asked.

"Back there with Monica." Megan replied moving closer and giving me a hug and kiss herself. "How is Emy?" she asked.

"Not great, but better. I just hope the flood dragon doesn't try again soon." I replied.

"You should make new havens." Annitte told me.

I frowned then looked at her waiting for her to explain.

Annitte sighed. "Havens are anchored to the Great Realm or one of the lower worlds. We can shift the anchor, but that won't stop the Lost Ones from returning now that they have a sense of the haven. This haven is anchored to your wife's haven, once a new haven is made for her you could shift the anchor from this one to the new one, or make a new one anchored to that one. Both approaches will let you avoid conflict with the Lost Ones as long as they don't detect the new anchor point." she explained.

I frowned at her. "Is that how the havens fall?" I asked her.

Annitte shrugged. "It usually pretty bad if a anchor point is discovered, but that only happens when someone with a spatial ability literally walks over it. Which is not a common occurrence. The situation your wife is in is usually the situation we find ourselves in. Even when we close a space tunnel to a haven, the is a residual path to the haven for a time. It fades, but a spatial ability user can trace it. Depending on the haven and the opponent we usually shift the population from the haven, shut it down then create a new one anchor it where we want it then move the population back. It doesn't happen often and usually comes with the fall of a noble family within the havens." she told me.

I wasn't sure if I understood any of that. I caught the gist of what I needed too though.

'Emy did you catch that?' I asked mentally.

'Yes master, I have already begun and was going to have you shift the anchor to my new have once I had established it then I would shift my trunk before releasing this haven. My only concern is the time I am vulnerable after creating the haven. If the flood dragon attacks me during that window I wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.' she replied mentally.

Mary frowned at me angrily.

I gave her a smile leaned over and kissed her cheek in an attempt to curb her anger. She was Emy's representative here but I had direct access and saw no reason not to use it.

'What if I made it?' I asked. 'Once I form it I could let you expand it. I could shift the anchor of this haven once my vulnerable time passed.' I responded.

'That would work, if I trusted your sister there with you.' Emy replied.

A good point. I wasn't completely willing to trust Annitte yet. Wait a moment!

I stopped and turned to glare at Annitte angrily.

"What now?" Annitte asked irritably seeing me glare at her.

"Your information about creating a haven left out a crucial detail." I replied.

Annitte looked back at me confused for a moment then realization dawned on her. "Oh." she commented. "How did you get around that?" she asked me.

"Why did you leave it out?" I asked her unwilling to be distracted.

Annitte sighed. "It's a test?" she replied looking at me hopefully.

I continued to glare at her.

Annitte sighed. "It isn't a lie. It is a test, we just borrow you for a while and make sure you are suitable to join the havens." she replied. "Ask, wait, she probably doesn't know. Well shortly after I joined the havens we had a bit of a civil war between the factions. It wasn't pretty, and a lot of people died, all because we let anyone who could create a haven, and their followers in. After that we started to screen everyone. I am certain you would have passed no problem, but since we weren't the only pillars we couldn't show you any favoritism, it all seems kind of funny given how everything ended up." she added.

"I am not laughing." I replied.

Annitte shrugged. "Can't be helped. It was the normal process for inducting new haven masters." she replied. "As my brother, and Calidia's husband there was no chance you wouldn't be approved."

I wasn't happy with her explanation, it explained everything, but just like mother, it didn't bode well for those who failed to pass whatever criteria they had for new haven masters. Even if there was almost no chance, there was still a bit of a chance.

Grudgingly I continued on to where Monica was sitting beside the newest addition to my harem. As I already considered Tracy and the twins mine, I didn't actually count them. I did think about kicking out Annitte, but I had the feeling that the only one strong enough to handle her was Emy. I would have to come up with a contingency plan to handle my sister. Realizing it I sent the thought to Emy. I didn't like it, but it was time to stop being reactive. As far as I knew she was being honest and nothing but a bit of powerless questioning was all I was in for, but given the current circumstances I feared that if they had caught me at that time it might have ended up differently than Annitte indicated.

'I have thought the same master.' Emy replied to me. 'I am happy you are willing to consider the possibility. I do have something that I can use to handle her if she becomes a threat. However it is best to use it only if she becomes a threat. It is hard to produce and we might need it for a more dangerous foe later.' Emy replied.

I felt a bit relieved but resolved myself to get much stronger. I couldn't rely on Emy to do all the heavy lifting forever.