I Yearn for You

She was so embarrassed that she blushed a deep pink. He brought his hand to her face and traced her blush. He brought his hand down lazily to her chest, her stomach, and then to her thighs and lightly brushed them with his fingers.

Feeling that the heat inside her wasn't subsiding, she sprang out of the bed much to his discontent.

"How did I come there? I am sorry CEO Yang! I had slept on that sofa. I don't sleepwalk! I mean, I... I… am sorry!" She blabbered non-stop.

Yang Xinyu smiled, turned his back to her, retrieved the quilt and went off to sleep again. He didn't bother to listen to her explanation.

Wu Lina was mortified at her own behavior. She cleaned up the room, folded the sheets and dashed out of the room as soon as possible!


Zhou Zhili was chuntering away to glory. Wu Lina had to remind her that it was time for them go back to work.

Zhou Zhili leapt from her chair like a cat and ran to exit the cafeteria holding Wu Lina's hand, leaving Bo Xilai with an open mouth!

Upon reaching the office, Zhou Zhili discovered that the boss hadn't arrived, so she took the chance to go to Wu Lina's cube.

Wu Lina was settling in her chair. "When do you think this project will finish Xiao Lili?"

"Can't say… There are a lot of difficult algorithms that have to be dealt with… I am trying my best to finish it in time, but it seems we have to ask for extra time…" she replied.

"Don't tell me!" said Zhou Zhili. "Boss will blow this office if you will ask him to extend the deadline for even one day! Don't you know he hates you!"

"It doesn't completely depend on me," Wu Lina gritted her teeth. "There are other team members who have to be accounted for also!"

"But you are the lead project manager. Don't forget that," said Zhou Zhili in an urgent tone. She was pushing Wu Lina to finish the project in time so that she doesn't get fired from the job.

While they were talking, an employee came running to them. "CEO Yang wants to see you Wu Lina," he informed.

Wu Lina was rooted to the spot. She couldn't move a muscle when she heard that. Her mind fuddled for several seconds before she could say anything.

Zhou Zhili noticed that and covered up for her to the employee, "She is coming in a minute."

Zhou Zhili was afraid that CEO Yang might scold Wu Lina for taking three days leave. The project she was heading was important and the clients were not the ideal types.

"Get up Wu Lina. Perhaps he will talk to you about the project," she assured her. "Just tell him that you will try your best to finish the project within stipulated deadline. If he shouts at you, just stand and listen."

Wu Lina picked up the relevant files and the CD from her table and went slowly to his office. Her feet had stones tied to them, she couldn't lift them.

When she reached his office, she subconsciously became cautious, and she looked at him with guarded expression. She was quivering in her heart.

"Close the door behind you," he spoke nonchalantly while still looking at the file he was reading.

She closed it and stood fixed in her place. After a minute of zero activity, she moved towards his table to put the files and CDs.

"CEO Yang, the project files are here. I will try my best to finish the project within deadline… However, the client keeps changing their specs every now and then making it difficult for the team to keep up to their demands… Kindly allow us an extension of deadline…" she spoke slowly, in a barely audible voice…

As usual he wasn't paying attention to what she was saying.

"Wu Lina, I want you to move in with me," he spoke gravely. "You know this is not the first time I've asked you," he added looking up at her.

She was stunned at his words! Wasn't he listening to what I just said…?

"I want you to move in with me, if possible today," he repeated with a serious expression.

What? No! Never! Her body revolted at the idea. She was too scared. She was scared of the consequences.

He got up from his chair, circling the table he came and stood in front of her and pulled her chin up with one hand. His other hand snaked her tiny waist to pull her closer to him. With one hand on her hips, he pressed her hard against his bulge, which started growing.

"You know how I yearn for you…" he kissed her lightly on her lips. "Please Wu Lina…" he continued brushing against her lips.

Her eyes became misty. She tried her best not to show her weakness to him but tears came unbridled.