Submit My Resignation

This man who had bewitched her body and soul wanted her so badly, yet she couldn't reciprocate his feelings. She had rejected him so many times earlier, but his conviction was stronger than before, each time he asked her.

Yang Xinyu dipped his head on her shoulder and buried his face into her neck. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again and just kissed her on the neck inhaling her scent. Her sweet fragrance had become his obsession.

"I am sorry CEO Yang…" she said. "It is not possible under current circumstances…"

Current circumstances… That means there's still hope…

He felt his shirt getting wet… Why does she cry every time I am with her? Have I become so daunting? He lifted his face to look at her.

Her eyes were full of tears and there were sweat beads on her forehead. Her whole body was quivering. Holding her firmly with one hand he reached her face with another hand, and wiped her tears with his thumb.

He kissed her again and tasted the salt of her tears. Their eyes met and he saw how afraid she was. Leaning his forehead on hers, he asked, "What is it you want? What is stopping you from becoming mine? Love me back… please… It is frustrating to see you everyday and not being able to touch you or be with you… Your denial tortures me… Wu Lina, how many times do I have to beg you? Why can't we resume our relationship?"

'I don't want to let you go... I won't let you go… and I will kill anyone who will try to be your man…' he couldn't voice these words.

His warm words fell on her ears like morning breeze of the summers. She felt cherished and smothered in his embrace.

She wanted to continue standing there, but the feeling dissipated suddenly as she saw him, her face became cold as she moved it away from his gaze.

She replied coldly, "I'm telling you CEO Yang, this can never happen. You should not forget that you are the CEO and future Chairman of the Yang Corporation. You cannot let any scandal hurt your image. As for me I will complete this project and submit my resignation. I can't take it anymore… Stop pursuing me..." she bit her lips as the sentence passed slipped through her tongue.

Yang Xinyu was so surprised at her revelation that he loosened his hold!

Wu Lina took the advantage and suddenly turned and dashed out of the door.

'Submit my resignation! Resignation! Submit it!'

Yang Xinyu became furious. His usual temper returned. He saw her exiting the office. He wanted to catch her but her words made him fretful. He wanted to open the door and drag her back in the office to demand an explanation, instead he walked back to his chair and took out a pack of cigarettes from the desk drawer.

He lit a cigarette and smoked. He went on smoking and filled the room with toxic tobacco smell until the whole cigarette pack finished. He needed to calm down. But the cigarettes weren't helping. He threw the packet on the floor.

Submit my resignation! My foot!

Is it so easy?

He opened the drawer of his office table to take out the contract that was agreed between her and the company. It was placed safely in a blue document holder. He started reading it. The contract was so binding that breaching it would incur five million Yuan penalty. He reread it to see if there was any loophole she had seen through to take the advantage of. There was none! Then on what basis did she blurt those words? Has she been offered a job somewhere? But who would pay five million Yuan to annul the contract?

He kept it back safely inside. One copy of the contract had been sent to her when she had joined the Yang Corporation.

He picked his phone to call Bo Xilai.

As he brooded over Wu Lina's words, he became uncomfortable and tried to reposition himself on the chair. He started pacing his room finding it uncomfortable to sit.

Contract No 1

Almost all the terms and conditions of the employment contract were similar to what other companies like Yang Corporation offered the only difference was within the termination terms.

8. Termination

1. (a) The Employee may at any time terminate this agreement and his employment by giving not less than two weeks written notice to the Employer. However, the employee has to pay five million Yuan to Yang Corporation as compensation for spending their resources on the employee.

2. (b) The Employer may terminate this Agreement and the Employee's employment at any time, without notice or payment in lieu of notice, for sufficient cause.

3. (c) The Employer may terminate the employment of the Employee at any time without the requirement to show sufficient cause pursuant to (b) above, provided the Employer pays to the Employee an amount as required by the Employment Standards Act xxxx or other such legislation as may be in effect at the time of termination. This payment shall constitute the employees entire entitlement arising from said termination.

4. (d) The employee agrees to return any property of Yang Corporation at the time of termination.

9. It is further acknowledged and agreed that following termination of the employee's employment with Yang Corporation for any reason the employee shall not solicit business from current clients or clients who have retained Yang Corporation in the 6 month period immediately preceding the employee's termination.

10. Laws

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Country C.