Bring It on Ms. Wu!

Bo Xilai was surprised to see his boss pacing the room so agitatedly. "Good afternoon CEO Yang," he said.

"Bo Xilai, I need you to find something for me secretly…" Yang Xinyu spoke like an isolated and an abandoned person…

"Wu Lina is planning to submit her resignation. I want you to find out the details about it. Has she already found another job? Is her employer rich enough to pay the penalty for terminating the contract?" As Yang Xinyu was saying it out, he felt tormented. His hopes seem to squash. He felt he was being robbed of his dearest possession… He started pinching between his brows.

Bo Xilai was immediately on guard, and said in the most surprising manner, "Wu Lina… submitting her resignation! How did that happen? I will start finding about it now!" He left the room wary of Wu Lina's actions! He had to find out about this. After all he liked Wu Lina who could be his future wife! As he walked, he thought, 'How could she do this to him? Plus she is enjoying a very good position here. It doesn't matter if CEO Yang hates her. I am there. I will take care of you Wu Lina!'

When he left the room Yang Xinyu sat back on his chair, opened his phone to see her photo and spoke through his teeth with a clenched jaw, "Bring it on Ms. Wu!"

His room intercom rang breaking his thoughts. "CEO Yang, you have meeting coming up in fifteen minutes with the group from Spain. You have to go to the conference room in the West Wing of the building," informed Zhou Zhili.

Yang Xinyu got up and picked the documents from his desk related to the investment proposition in Spain . He wanted this to be done with quickly. The company that the Yang Corporation was trying to acquire in Spain was a small one but delivered promising result. With a little more capital boost, it could do very well and open up their business opportunities in Spain and surrounding countries.

More than him, his father, Chairman Yang Ming-Cheng was interested in this proposal.

Yang Xinyu had done background research on the company and found that the Chairman's interest was more in setting it up as a successful business for his twenty-four old daughter Yang Chen Lin, from his second mistress.

He had met Yang Chen Lin during family functions and whenever he interacted with her, she appeared to be a sensible woman. She was intelligent and very sophisticated. She wasn't as flashy as his stepsister from his father's first mistress, Yang Fangxu, who was only interested in making it in the film industry. Yang Chen Lin was determined and had completed her Masters in Business Administration from the top university in China. She was proficient in speaking English and Spanish.

He was sure that under Yang Chen Lin, the company will progress profitably and so he also extended his support.

The only fact that his father didn't know about Yang Chen Lin was that she had a Spaniard boyfriend who owned the company!

In the meeting Yang Chen Lin was also present. Although Yang Xinyu kept a business like exterior, not disclosing his inner thoughts, he knew that her boyfriend was also there as part of the delegation. He silently approved of it.

The meeting was a success. Every business angle was talked about and explored, several changes were decided and in the end the company lawyers were given the task to create a contract.

Yang Chen Lin came to her brother after the meeting was over and said, "Brother Xinyu, thanks for your approval. I will do my best to take this company forward."

Yang Xinyu smiled and replied, "I expect that apart from doing good in business you also marry that Spaniard!"

Yang Chen Lin was taken aback and couldn't help grinning. She understood why brother Xinyu helped her.

She became shy and said, "I haven't told this to father as yet… I will tell him when the time is ripe…"

"Okay," said Yang Xinyu confirming that he wouldn't divulge this detail to anyone.

"Brother Xinyu if you need my help in any way, do let me know please. I may not be as resourceful as you are, but I can take care of things in my own way. And I promise I won't let you down," she said optimistically with joy in her voice.

Yang Xinyu thanked her and went back to his office. He was tired. The meeting got over a little past seven. He wanted to have tea.