Proud Proclamation

"What's wrong Wu Lina?" He asked concern etched over his face.

Wu Lina was feeling faintish… "Nothing…"

He placed his hand on her forehead and then placed one on his. She didn't have fever. Did she get hurt badly? She seemed to be in tremendous pain. She was clutching her stomach.

"Should we go to the hospital?" he asked her again. He thought her hand had suffered an internal injury, which raised his concern even more. He was cursing himself for pulling her back in the elevator. 'But I pulled her gently! She's too dainty and needs to be fed properly!'

"No! It happens every month!" She replied annoyance creeping in her. She didn't want to talk, and he was irritating her. She couldn't tell him the main reason.

"It happens every month! What? Do you have any disease?" He became nervous!

"No!" She shrieked!

Oh god! He is so ignorant! "Please leave me alone. I will manage."

"Wu Lina, look at me please. I beg you… what is wrong with you? Tell me," he insisted.

"I want to go to the bathroom," she said.

She fumbled when she tried to get up. Without asking for her permission, Yang Xinyu picked her up in his arms and took her to the bathroom. When he put her down, he saw a red patch on her skirt.

Oh! He scolded himself inwardly. How could I be such a fool? She is having her monthly periods! He left her in the privacy of the bathroom and headed out.

He picked his wallet and dashed to the elevator to go to the car and drive it to the nearest pharmacy. He bought tampons for her. Since he didn't know which brand she used, he bought ten different brands. The pharmacist at the counter asked, "Has you wife just delivered a baby? In that case it is better to take sanitary napkins."

He looked at him quietly with a frigid expression and without speaking a word paid him and took the tampons. He ran out of the pharmacy, drove madly cutting two red lights to reach the lounge as soon as possible.

As soon as he reached the entrance, the security guard handed him the take-away food. He grabbed it and ran to the elevator, much to the guard's surprise.

Reaching the lounge, he opened the door quickly to check whether Wu Lina was back on the bed. She was still in the bathroom. He heard water running in the shower.

Without knocking the door, he barged in the bathroom and kept the packets of tampons on the counter. "You can use these tampons. I know you are having your periods," he said proudly and exited the bathroom!

Wu Lina was so shocked when he entered the bathroom. Even though the shower area was enclosed in glass panes, he could have seen her taking bath! At the same time she was feeling embarrassed.

Before she could utter a word, he was gone! She gritted her teeth. This guy had no shame!

Wait, how did he know that she was having her periods? And when did he get those tampons? He must have seen the stain on my skirt! How foolish I am! I should have carried tampons with me. How long have I been in the shower?

Before showering she washed her stained clothes, as she had only one set. She would wear them as soon as they would dry and she would rush back home.

When she finished her shower, she opened the bathroom door to see where he was. There was no one around. She had wrapped one towel on her body and one on her head. She slowly came out and opened one of his drawers in the walk-in closet.

He came in when he heard the movement in the closet and stood behind her creepily making her jump! "What are you looking for?"

"Do you have extra boxers?" Her face reddened till her neck.

He opened another drawer to give her a fresh boxer.

"I would need a shirt also…" she was cursing herself for being in this situation. But this was all his fault! He shouldn't have stopped her from going.

"This side of the closet is full of shirts, you can wear what you like," he said indifferently and stood still in his place with no intentions of leaving her.